My stomach drops.
“What?” No... I didn’t hear that right. It’s been only a few weeks. I was supposed to have months, or longer. Or forever. “I thought we were laying low.”
“We were. The problem has been resolved.”
What? “No!” I take a deep, shaky breath. I’ve never said no to Sam. Ever. “I mean...”
“Is there something wrong?” There’s a long pause. “Is this because of Cain?”
He may as well have reached through the phone and torn my insides right out of my body.
Now Sam has Cain’s name. How long before he has more? “No.” My hand has never shaken as badly as it does now. I don’t even have the steadiness to push it through my hair.
Why did Cain have to do that? Why? I had to fight the gasp from escaping my mouth today when I came out to find my phone in his hand and that strange, inexplicable look on his face. It was like a punch to my stomach.
And then he started questioning me, as I’ve dreaded him doing for weeks. I didn’t know what to do, what to say, so... I turned it all back on him. As if he were to blame for all this.
I could tell he was angry with me. Worse, by the look in his eyes, I could tell he was hurt. When he turned his back on me and walked out, I did the only thing I could think of. I walked out to the street and hailed a taxi.
“Does he know...” Sam’s voice trails off, deceptively calm.
“No!” That comes out strong and fast and unmistakable. “Nothing.”
“Then how did he have my name?” Suspicion. I hear it dripping from his voice. He thinks he caught me in a lie.
“I was drunk. I let your name slip. It was something harmless, though, about birthdays and—”
“Nothing is harmless!” he snaps, and I flinch. With a breath, he adjusts his tone, though there’s no mistaking the ice. “You are down there for a reason. You will do what I ask and you will follow the rules! And, if you don’t feel that you owe it to me for giving you all that you have, then do it for your friend’s sake because, if I have to come down there, I’ll make sure he isn’t causing me any more problems. Do you understand?”
Dread seizes my lungs. Somehow I don’t think a simple conversation with a teenage boy—as he most likely had with Ryan Fleming—is what Sam has in mind now. “Okay,” I manage to get out in a raspy voice.
“Good thing, little mouse. Right away.” The line goes dead.
Quickly logging in to the Gmail account, I find the draft folder. Sure enough, the instructions are there.
Ten tonight. Eddie and Bob. Fuck... Bob. How is that going to go? I have to hope he realized his own mistake after he sobered up. Maybe he’ll apologize?
Maybe I’m the biggest moron in the world.
I have to get out of work tonight. I wonder if Cain even wants me there anymore.
If Sam gets hold of him, he’ll wish I’d never walked through his door.
I never noticed how heavy that black door at the back of Penny’s is.
I could have just phoned Cain. Or texted him.
And yet here I am, walking toward it, aching to see him, ready to crawl on my knees to beg his forgiveness. I can’t think much beyond right now, except that I need to see Cain. And that I’ll be doing the drop tonight, to make Sam happy. To find some reprieve.
After that... I can’t think about it. I know what needs to happen and I just can’t face it right now.
On the third knock, the door opens and Nate’s giant body fills the doorway. His face immediately splits into a wide grin when he sees me. Hope sparks. Maybe Cain doesn’t hate me after all. If Cain hated me, Nate would know about it.
I walk down the hall toward Cain’s office, butterflies stirring, preparing to give an award-winning performance on deathly female cramping—complete with hands pressed against abdomen and hunching over. That’s the only thing I can think of and, given that my period is due any day now, it should work well.
I push open the door to find China, with her skirt hiked up around her waist, straddling Cain’s lap on his chair, her lips locked onto his.