The warmth of those memories spreads through my chest, reminding me that there was a time when nothing tainted our relationship. When I thought I was the luckiest girl on the planet.
“There are some issues with competition and we need to lay low for a while. Jimmy will sort it out, but until then, you just enjoy yourself. I see you’ve put a good dent into the money I sent to you.”
“I bought a few new dresses,” I lie. I went back to the bank last week to drain my secret account and a chunk of the one Sam knows about, dumping it all into a safety deposit box that I can access at any time.
“Good. I’ll send you some more money to keep you busy. There won’t be any more deliveries of any kind for a while.”
There’s dead silence on the phone as he waits for my response.
“For how long?” I dare ask.
“Months. Or longer. I may need to find another way in. It’s getting risky.”
Another way in? What does that mean? Another way in that doesn’t involve me, perhaps?
No more burner phones, no more drug drops, no more deceiving Cain?
Could this really be happening? With my free hand, I pinch my forearm. I’m still here. My phone is still in my ear.
In the back of my mind, I can’t help but wonder if there’s something else at work. If it’s not this easy, if Sam is in fact reacting to his suspicions about me. Either way, it sounds like I won’t be doing a drop for a long time. Maybe ever again.
That life could truly be part of my past.
And then I could actually look at Cain as part of my future. I’ll have to tell him about this one day, of course. But, by then, maybe he’ll actually love me. Enough to be able to forgive me.
I don’t walk through Cain’s door.
I float. On a fluffy white cloud of shock and confusion and possibilities and hope that never existed before, I float through the condo, in search of a possible new future. I find it on the balcony, stretched out on a lounge chair with a book.
Cain looks up to see me standing over him. “Charlie?” He watches for a moment and then frowns. “What’s wrong?”
Pushing the book free from his grip, I force myself onto the chair to lie atop him, taking in his bewildered expression.
And the tears begin to fall.
Cain is beside himself, his body going rigid. “What’s wrong, Charlie?” His hands, his eyes, begin searching my limbs as if searching for a physical injury. And still I cry, only now my laughter begins to weave in, sending me into a borderline hysterical fit of sobs, as I choke back the tears enough to say, “Nothing’s wrong.”
Cain must think I’m insane.
Maybe I am.
Or maybe this is what happens when you break free of a trap.
chapter twenty-nine
Whenever I look at her, a hot burn fills my chest.
I don’t know how I ever lasted a day without Charlie. Both work-wise and life-wise, I’ve never spent this much time with another human being. Not even Nate, who lived with me for several years.
I don’t even mind coming into Penny’s anymore. The place feels different. It’s not just me anymore. Now I have Charlie at my side. And those knots in my shoulders that never go away?
Fucking gone. Like magic.