“Hello, hello!” Two stunning young women step out onto the patio: one with bright red hair, the other with raven black. Both have the lightest blue eyes I’ve ever seen on a person, and anyone can see that they’re sisters. Their windblown cheeks and wild manes make me think they were hanging out of a car, driving at high speeds down the autobahn.
The redhead makes a direct line for Trent to bend over and lay a borderline inappropriate kiss on his lips. Her black bikini shows off a solid muscular body, marked with white scars along one side. If she’s self-conscious about them, you’d never know. Given her ass is angled directly in Ben’s face, I’d say she’s either oblivious or just that confident. I wonder if she stripped at Penny’s, too.
“Are you intentionally torturing me with this view, Kace?” Ben mutters. That makes her break free of her lip lock with Trent. She turns to smack Ben’s forehead playfully. “Always.”
The black-haired girl—I’m guessing the younger of the two—quietly places a box in front of Storm before reaching down to rub her pregnant belly.
“Oh! You picked up another key lime pie!” Storm squeals, her eyes lighting up.
“Kacey said we need to keep Genghis happy,” the girl answers with an eye roll.
Storm snorts. To us, she explains, “Kacey swears the reincarnation of Genghis Khan is growing inside me and is trying to conquer the world by eating its entire food supply.” Sitting up to eye the pie with wide eyes, she adds in a murmur, “She may be right.”
The redhead—Kacey, I’m presuming—turns her attention to us, those haunting blue eyes scanning over the table, slowing as they pass over me, before settling on the man next to me. She walks over to pat his shoulder. “Glad to see you’re alive.”
“Good to see you two again.” Gesturing toward me, he says, “This is Charlie. Charlie, meet Livie and Kacey.”
I get a polite smile from Livie. From Kacey, a suggestive brow and, “The Charlie?”
I answer effortlessly, “The Kacey?” though I feel a blip of discomfort inside. I don’t know how I should feel about being a topic of conversation among all these people that I don’t know.
“The one and only,” she answers with a laugh. “Tell me you didn’t come with that schmuck over there?” Her chin juts in Ben’s direction.
“No, but she’ll be leaving with me. Right, Charlie?” His question is to me but his eyes and crooked smirk are on Cain, and I get the impression that he’s intentionally needling his boss about something.
A deep chuckle erupts from the normally reserved Nate. I’m guessing he knows more than Ben does about what happened between Cain and me last night. That or Ben is really that obnoxious. Either is a possibility. All the same, I blush at the idea of Cain giving Nate too many details.
Ignoring Ben, Cain asks them, “What were you two up to today? You look...” His voice drifts off.
“Like we just jumped out of a freaking plane?” Livie’s wide, stunned eyes tell me she’s not kidding.
“And it was one helluva rush!” Kacey throws an arm over her sister’s shoulder, her face beaming as she squeezes her tight. A small cheer erupts around the patio as everyone congratulates them on something I could never do, with my deathly fear of heights. Even the idea has a tremble running through my body. Of course Cain feels it and rubs my leg soothingly.
“Nice work, twisted sisters!” Ben calls out around a mouthful of food, sounding genuinely impressed.
Storm’s eyes are positively twinkling as she gazes up at the two of them. ““You didn’t chicken out! Good for you, Livie. I’m going with you next time.”
“No—no next time.” Livie’s head shakes back and forth adamantly.
“Oh, come on! It was fun! Admit it!” her sister prods.
“No. Not fun. Maybe fun later. Right now...” She takes a deep breath and sighs. “I’m going to lie down for a bit. I need to unwind. And plot Dr. Stayner’ s death.”
I wonder who Dr. Stayner is. It sounds like he had something to do with her jumping out of a plane.
“You want help unwinding?” Those deep dimples of Ben’s are in full force.
“No thanks.” The answer comes hard and fast, suggesting she expected his offer and had the rejection ready on the tip of her tongue. Still, Livie’s cheeks turn crimson instantly. Spinning on her heels, she’s gone in a flash.
“Good lord, Benjamin Morris!” Storm tosses her napkin on the table. “You are out of control lately. Do I need to have you fixed?”
Bellows of laughter explode from Nate and Trent. Even Ben and Cain start laughing. I’m thinking there’s an inside joke that only the men are in on, because the women exchange puzzled looks and eye rolls.
I can’t help but envy this group as I listen to the easy conversation flowing—the gentle back-and-forth banter and genuine laughs coating the atmosphere with warmth. There’s a deep connection between everyone here, and I can’t say I’ve ever experienced anything quite like it.
As much as I know I don’t belong, all of them are doing their best to make me feel otherwise. And when the plates are empty and being collected, and people begin dispersing in various directions, a trace of sadness trickles through me.
“That was fantastic, Storm,” Ginger exclaims, standing to stretch as a loud splash comes from the pool. Trent and Kacey, diving in together. “I’m going to go float for a bit before I’m forced to work by my slave-driving employer.” She winks at Cain before sauntering off.