“For what it’s worth, I don’t blame you, man. Wow.” Dan’s brow furrows. “A bit young, though...”


He blows a mouthful of air out. “Well, if you were ever to give in to an employee, I wouldn’t blame you for that one.”

Too late. And I’m going to do anything I can to give in again. Tonight.

“Until then, do you want me to call Mercy to deal with your little problem?” Ben asks. “She’s fantastic. And discreet.”

I level Ben with a glare. “You’d better be fucking joking.”

“Of course I’m joking! I haven’t touched her... yet.” His face splits into a wide grin.

“Good, because I’d seriously fire your ass.”

“Well, then...” Ben slaps his hand on the coffee table. “Consider this my notice.”

By the looks that exchange between me and the others, we’re all wondering the same thing—is Ben serious?

He winks, then offers in a more somber tone, “I landed a full-time gig at a law firm in town. Just found out this morning.”

“Seriously, Morris?” Nate presses.

“Yep.” Ben’s arms stretch out over his head, his hands nesting behind his neck as he sighs heavily.

I wasn’t expecting to lose Ben so soon. “But, don’t you have another month before you get your bar exam results?”

He waves a dismissive hand. “Yeah, but I aced that. I’m not worried. They’re not worried. I’ll just be considered in a probationary period until I’m official.”

My previous annoyance with Ben instantly vanishes. I close the distance as he accepts a congratulatory slap across the chest from Nate. I offer him my hand, which he takes firmly, a glimmer of satisfaction in those blue irises. “We’re gonna miss you, buddy, but that’s amazing. You’ve done well.” He really has. After blowing his knee out and losing his shot as a star quarterback, Ben leveraged his brain—one most people wouldn’t realize he had—to put himself through law school. Now, after years at Penny’s, Ben is moving on.

The tactless brute bows his head, a rare pensive look flashing over his face. I’ll bet he hasn’t bothered to mention it to his dad. The cranky old scrooge would somehow twist it into a failure. I think that’s why Ben is such an easy, happy guy all the time. He’s deathly afraid of ever being compared to his own father.

“Seriously, dude, don’t go out there with that. It’s embarrassing. I’ve got a picture of Charlie onstage that I can send to your phone, if you need it while you deal with your issue in the can.”

The moment’s over.

chapter twenty-six



I shouldn’t be here.

“Ahhh... this is the life,” Ginger sighs, sinking back into her chair with a fresh margarita in hand. “If only we didn’t have to work tonight.”

I grunt in agreement, taking in the stunning stone patio area that overlooks an enormous oddly shaped pool with several alcoves. The entire space is adorned with various tropical flowers. Sitting where we are, we’re completely protected from the sun with a pergola and lattice.

“Thank God for the breeze,” Ginger adds, and my eyes follow hers to the two oversized ceiling fans affixed to the beams above us, working overtime to circulate the hot summer air.

The sound of flames sputtering pulls my attention away to the far end, where Tanner—completing the “Cousin Eddie” look with a straw hat, black socks pulled halfway up his calves, and sandals—is demonstrating to Dan why his use of the two-handed squirt gun on a grill should be marketed. Alternating between head shakes and low chuckles, Dan finally gets Tanner to surrender his weapon and leave the grilling to him.

To the newly appointed DEA agent.

I shouldn’t be here.

But I didn’t really have a choice, I tell myself. Ginger was hell bent on bringing me. When she admitted with a smile that Cain was hell bent on her bringing me, too, any hope for an argument died on my lips.