“Well, according to Ben, Cain really enjoyed your show last night.”
“Enjoyed as in...”
I look over to find a lascivious grin. “As in enjoyed.” How the hell would Ben know? Were they talking about me? A new and more powerful rash of nervous flutters hits me. I tense as her cool hand rubs over my shoulder. “So you should go out there and tease him.”
“What?” I shriek. Cain does not seem like the kind of guy who would appreciate teasing.
Her slender, bare shoulders shake as she giggles. “Look, if I had to go out there and strip for a bar full of men, I’d pick one and pretend no one else is out there. One who I’d actually want to strip for in a room, alone. You know... if I weren’t a lesbian.”
“You’re nuts.” A knock against the glass above me tells me Terry’s about to hit play and my stomach constricts.
“I am, but that’s beside the point. Hannah hates getting up on the stage and so that’s what she does. It works for her.”
“Why Cain?”
She snorts. “Because I know you think he’s gorgeous. And I can tell you for a fact that he is an incredible man. And because every single one of the dancers here would die to have Cain’s attention on her. So take advantage of it. He’s sexy and he’s safe.”
Music starts pulsing through the speakers.
Strip for Cain. “I don’t know if doing that is going to help with my nerves, Ginger.”
She shrugs. “Worth a shot. You said you were into acting, right?”
“Well, go and act like you’re trying to seduce your sexy, gorgeous, rich, untouchable boss. He can be a prop, like your wig.” She snorts. “Could be fun.”
There’s a chance I just got myself fired.
I don’t know why I listened to Ginger. Probably because I was desperate. And stripping for Cain would be enjoyable. Ideally, not with a hundred other men watching. And, truth be told, it did make being on that stage a little easier.
The fact that Cain apparently “enjoyed” watching me last night spurred a need in me to please him again. But the fact that he has already asked me not to take my clothes off for him should have stopped me.
Maybe he didn’t notice what I was doing? By the cool, hard expression on his face, and the way his body shifted until he was standing stiffly, I’m seriously doubting that.
When he approaches me tonight, I’ll deny it, of course.
But he doesn’t approach me after the show. He leaves immediately after I get off the stage and no one sees him out there again.
And so I finish my shift, pushing the reality of stripping into a tiny, neat box. I tuck it away into the recesses of my mind, as just something I have to do, for now. Just like what I do for Sam.
It won’t be forever.
chapter thirteen
Show Number Three
I thought it was my imagination yesterday. Just my dick’s wishful thinking.
I came out to watch Charlie perform. Call it a gut instinct. More like a groin instinct, if I’m being completely honest. Either way, I came out to see if her second night would be as good as the first.
It wasn’t.