“Anyways, Penny’s is his life. He practically lives there. He makes a point of not watching the dancers perform and he doesn’t sleep with the staff. He stays in his office when the club is open. He’s a quiet, private guy who doesn’t say a lot, but you can tell he has a lot to say.” Her little nose scrunches up. “You know what I mean?”
I nod slowly. “Yeah, I know.” I could tell by the way his eyes stayed glued to my face that those wheels were constantly turning. Even now, as Cain seems to be engrossed in conversation, his hand continues rubbing his neck, over that tattoo. “Who’s Penny?”
“Oh...” Ginger’s face falls. “A dancer who worked for him. She was killed by her fiancé in his first club.”
“Jeez,” I mutter. I knew there was a story behind that. A man doesn’t name a bar after a woman and tattoo her name on his neck for no reason. “Did Cain have a thing with her?”
“No one really knows what happened.” I can feel Ginger’s eyes drilling into the side of my face as I continue to watch Cain. “Look at me, Charlie.” I do, and I find that she’s turned in her seat to face me square on. Her mouth opens to say something, but she frowns suddenly. “You’re impossible to read, do you know that?” There’s a mixture of awe and annoyance in her tone that makes me smile. I know I am. I like that I am. Sam has always said that I have an incredible poker face. Now, I merely give Ginger a “can’t help it” shrug.
Rolling her eyes, she switches back to the topic at hand. “Listen, I know Cain is very appealing and the attention he gives you can make you feel really good about yourself. And confused about him and his intentions. I’ve seen a lot of women come through Penny’s and start thinking that there’s something there. They start hoping that there’s something there.” Ginger’s voice takes on this calm, authoritative tone. “There isn’t, Charlie. He’s just a really kind man who goes out of his way to help his employees. It’s that simple.”
“Don’t worry. I’m not about to throw myself at him.” I’m leaving in a few months anyway. There’s no point complicating my life with a guy that I’ll have to lie to daily and walk away from eventually. Still, as strange as he is, and as wary as I am of his intentions, there’s an unexpected blip of disappointment in my belly at her warning.
“Good girl.” Ginger snorts, as if remembering something. “And ignore whatever you hear around Penny’s. Those girls talk shit all the time. They’re worse than guys, I swear. Apparently I get to make the schedule because I give Cain blow jobs every night before my shift.” She rolls her eyes but then laughs.
Her cat eyes narrow. “And what?”
“And you’ve never wanted anything to happen with him?”
“He’s not my type.” Her brow furrows and she looks at me oddly, hesitating for a moment before adding, “A little bit too much penis for me.”
Of all the answers I had expected from Ginger, I hadn’t expected that one. But it makes complete sense. I feel my mouth shift into an “O” shape as I search for a response. She has never mentioned her preferences. Not at the gym, not at lunch, not out shopping, when I swapped clothes in front of her... Uh-oh. Was she checking me out?
I don’t know what to say now. It doesn’t matter to me—I just don’t know how to respond. Finally, all I can come up with is, “I’ve never had a gay friend before.”
By the way her face splits into a wide grin, she’s okay with that reaction. “And now, when you feel the need to defend your pro–gay rights stance with some lame statement like, ‘I have a gay friend,’ you won’t be lying anymore.” She winks as she swings the car door open and slides out. “And, by the way, I was never checking you out in the change room...” She rolls her eyes. “All you straight chicks think the same thing.”
I chuckle as I climb out of my car.
In the back of my truck are two suitcases, a box with canned food, and a garbage bag with my nice towels and 1200-thread-count sheets. That’s all I have in Miami. I made Cain leave my apartment to get me a fresh coffee while I quickly packed everything up. I didn’t want him seeing all those stupid wigs. They’re hard to explain.
“Let me take that.” Cain sneaks up on me from behind, one hand resting over my shoulder as he reaches in to pull the box out. It’s a platonic gesture, and I’m still in knots with confusion over my new boss, but I feel the chill course through me. He carries it toward the gated entrance as I trail behind, studying his arms as they strain beautifully against the weight.
Ginger opens the gate and leads us through, where a middle-aged balding man in plaid shorts and a faded T-shirt that stretches over a protruding belly meets us. Cain steps in and places the box on the ground so he can clasp hands with the man.
“Well, well.” The man’s face shifts from Cain to me and back to Cain. “Good seeing you again.”
Cain’s lips curl up into a charming smile. “You as well, Tanner.”
“Yeah...” Tanner pauses for only a second before saying, “And who do we have here?” He settles his lopsided eyes on me. “You’re the one looking for a place?”
A quick flash to Cain tells me he’s watching me keenly. “I suppose I am.”
“Well.” Tanner’s feet start shuffling along the concrete path. I guess that’s our cue to follow him as he passes the hibachi, the smell of cooking meat reminding me that it’s early afternoon and I haven’t eaten yet. “It’s a good thing Cain called when he did,” Tanner calls over his shoulder. “I was just about to offer this place to someone else.”
“Looks good out here, Tanner,” Cain calls out, his eyes drifting over the small courtyard where it’s clear someone has been working hard to maintain some semblance of a garden, despite the oppressive heat and drought.
Tanner stops for a moment, his hand lifting to scratch his belly absently as he takes the space in. “Yeah, Livie comes here once a week to kick my butt into gear,” he grumbles, but it’s followed by a crooked smile, so I know he’s not really annoyed by this Livie person. “I don’t know what’ll happen when she leaves for college at the end of summer.”
“She’s hired me as the replacement butt-kicker,” a sweet female voice calls out. We all turn to see a pretty blond woman in a white eyelet sundress slowly taking a set of steps from the second floor, one hand on the railing, the other resting on the small bump on her belly. It’s hardly noticeable but, by the way she’s cradling it, I’m guessing she’s pregnant.
Cain doesn’t hesitate, walking swiftly to the bottom of the steps to meet her, his arms held wide. She throws her arms around his neck and practically leaps into a hug. It’s obvious they’re close. How close, I have to wonder.
I don’t have to wonder whether this woman danced at Penny’s. Based on her ridiculously huge fake breasts, it’s a safe bet to assume she did.
I also don’t have to wonder if Cain and I will ever be this close, because I know that I won’t be here long enough to develop that kind of friendship.