Nope. I’m still mad at your sister, remember?
My sister, huh?
You heard me, big boy.
I chuckled wondering if she could hear it.
Yes, I can.
This is so weird.
I know. Lizzy says it'll become just a normal part of life and we won’t even notice so much after a while. But Ruby is wondering if you now get to enjoy the full joy of childbirth. I don't even know if we can physically feel each other on that level yet. Maybe it's not fully sealed yet.
I paled at the thought.
“Dude, are you okay?” James asked. “You look like you're going to be sick.”
“And see how he just drifted off. Either something is seriously wrong with him or he's talking telepathically with his mate,” Luke insisted. “Cole gets that look a lot. Makes it super annoying at times to work with him.”
“I told you, that's not possible. No way could Lily keep something like that to herself.”
Before I could respond, a sharp stab of pain came across my bond and I grabbed my elbow.
“What's wrong?” Luke demanded, suddenly on full alert.
I rubbed my elbow. “Nothing. At least I don't think.”
“You yelped,” James said.
“I did?”
“And you're holding your left arm.”
“Just a cramp or pain of some sort. It's fine.”
“You know that's a sign of heart attack. We should call Sam.”
“What? No.”
Slugger, are you okay?
Yeah, sorry. Lilah jumped on me and I jerked back cracking my funny bone on the counter. There is nothing funny about a funny bone.
That's what that was?
Wait, did you feel it, too?
I did and now James thinks I'm having a heart attack.
I could hear her laughter in my head, answering my previous question.
“Sam's on the way,” James told Luke.
“You did not call Sam.”
“If you weren't so out of it then you'd already know I did.”
I groaned. “Call him back and tell him I'm fine.”