Page 71 of Out of Peril

“Walker bonding with me.”

“Of course. You're his true mate. That's all I've ever wanted for him. He's my best friend. Despite how these two act, that's all he is to me. They both know it. And despite how it looks, they're really good friends too. They just take sick pleasure in riling each other up. Please don't take them seriously.”

“But I'm a beast, a monster,” I said.

Shelby growled. “Don’t you dare call yourself that. You are a victim. What they did to you is disgusting. If we hadn't already killed those responsible, I'd hunt them down and do it myself. You have survived what we thought was impossible. That makes you the strongest, most badass woman in the world as far as I'm concerned.”

I stood there stunned.

Ben winked at his mate and grinned. “She turned into a mama bear quickly. This is a sensitive subject for us, but you've already had a long day and have much recovery still ahead to get you back to full strength. Besides, we said we weren't going to burden her with this today. Remember, babe?”

Shelby sighed. “I'll pick the kids up in the morning for school. Triplets, it's time to go. Say goodbye.”

They each took turns embracing Maya and Dante on their way out. It brought tears to my eyes.

Once they left, Walker took over.

“Wash your face and hands, brush your teeth, and put on your pajamas. Then you can come down and say goodnight to Lindsey before bed. You know the routine by now. March.”

They did as they were told without argument.

“Wow. You really have everything under control.”

“I wouldn't quite say that. The kids weren't the only ones who needed to establish a bit of routine around here. I was pretty short-tempered and losing it while you were out. I pray I never have to go through that again.”

He pulled me into his arms and kissed me.

This kiss wasn’t all-consuming or demanding. It felt more possessive, as if he were claiming me with his lips.

I still wasn’t used to this level of intimacy, but I couldn't help but remember the way it had felt to make love to him.

My body betrayed me as I stared to yawn while we were still kissing. He immediately pulled away, giving me an apologetic look.

“I'm sorry,” we said at the same time.

“I know you're still run-down and despite sleeping for a week, I do realize you're tired. Let's get you to bed.”

Before I could protest, he lifted me into his arms and carried me back to the bedroom I'd awoken in. The way he held me made me feel special and beautiful, cherished even. It invoked feelings within me that I never expected to feel.

I didn't think it was really possible for Walker to love me, but how could I stop myself from falling in love with him?


Waking up in Walker's arms was amazing right up until Maya and Dante burst into the room and climbed in bed to join us.

They acted like this was our life and everything was perfectly normal.

“Wakey wakey,” Dante said.

“Shh. Look Dante, Walker's actually sleeping.”

“What do you mean?” I asked.

“He hasn't really slept since you were shot,” she explained.

“Yeah, and he only leaves you to go to the bathroom or if we really need something, like taking us to our first day at school.”

“I'm really sorry about the whole school thing. You don't have to go today.”