Page 69 of Out of Peril

“I thought I might be, but for my own reasons. You know?”

I nodded. I did know.

“But I'm not. She's different, that's for sure. But it's not a bad difference. Nathan and Zachary are convinced she must be a superhero or something. I'm sure that's what the whole school will think by tomorrow.”

I rolled my eyes. “I don't know about superhero, but she's pretty amazing.”

“When she feels up to it, can Lucy and I sit down and have a talk with her about everything? I have so many questions it's making my head spin.”

“That's really up to her. I'm not going to force her, but I hope she'll agree to it.”

“I heard you lost your shit out there, especially with Grant.”

I huffed. “I didn't like another male touching her. That's all.”

“But Grant? He's happily mated and no threat to you. You know that.”

“Logically I do, but try telling that to my wolf.”

She laughed. “That makes me so happy.”

“Me freaking out to the point that my team had to physically restrain me on multiple occasions makes you happy? You're seriously disturbed.”

That only made her laugh some more.

“Hear me out. You are always so laidback and fun. The cool guy that nothing ever seems to faze. But this girl has really gotten under your skin.”

“Not in a good way if my actions are to be judged on this.”

“But you cared enough to show possession, anger, and passion. I am so proud of you.”

“You really are twisted, Shelbs.”

She shrugged. “You love me anyway.”


Lindsey must have been listening in because the beast growled.

“Relax,” she said. “He loves you way more.”

Then she walked away, chuckling to herself. She never did tell me why she was looking for me in the first place.

At the top of the stairs, she stopped and yelled down. “Oh yeah, supper's ready.”

Sometimes I swore that woman could read my mind.


Chapter 19

Shelby had just said Walker loves me and he hadn't denied it. What could that possibly mean? Surely she hadn't meant it literally. But why hadn't he denied it?

“How are you feeling? Are you hungry?”

I allowed myself to shift. I still felt weak, but the pain was gone, and I was suddenly famished.

“Starving,” I confessed.