Page 62 of Out of Peril

“And good news. Lindsey's vitals are much stronger today. I think with some precautions we can safely move her,” Grant said.

“We're going home?” I asked.

“We're going home.”

“I'll make the arrangements,” Michael said.


Chapter 17

My body hurt all over and my mouth was parched. I tried to lick my lips, but it felt like the Sahara Desert.

Opening my eyes, I groaned and squinted against the sunlight coming through the window. I blinked a few times and looked around in confusion.

“Where am I?” I tried to say, but it came out in a scratchy, unfamiliar voice and caused me to cough, which only made me hurt more.

“You're awake. Oh thank God.”

“Walker?” I said.

“I'm right here, babe.” A few seconds later he was on the phone with someone. “She's awake.”

Things seemed to happen in a frenzy as strangers I couldn't ever remember seeing before descended. I was so confused, and my head was pounding. My beast started to stir as I looked around and realized Maya and Dante were nowhere in sight.

“Where are the twins?” I managed to say in a stronger voice.

“They're fine. I promise. They're in school.”

“School? What?”

Did I just wake up in some sort of alternate universe?

“I know it's a lot. I'll explain everything, but Grant needs to check on you first.”

“Who the hell is Grant?”

“Taylor's mate,” he said like I should somehow know who he was talking about.

I tried to think but it just hurt my head.

A guy I was certain I didn't know walked in and glared at Walker.

“If you so much as growl at me, I'm leaving.”

My head whipped toward my mate, and I cringed in pain from the fast movement.

He gave me a sheepish look.

“Hi Lindsey, I'm Grant. I've been tending to your wound and overseeing your care. You had us all worried for a while there. How are you feeling?”

“What wound?”

“You were shot. What do you last remember?”

I tried to think but it was spotty at best as random images popped through my mind.

“There was an attack. Dante's vision. Where's Dante?”