Page 5 of Out of Peril

They had their own beds, but neither would use them. Instead, they waited for me to settle down and then they curled up on either side of me.

When Dante shivered from the cool air, I sighed. Then I called my beast forward just enough for my arms to shift into wings covered in black feathers that I knew would keep the kids warm through the night. But after waking to Maya's screams, I knew there would be no sleep for me tonight.


Much to my amazement, I did sleep, but not much. I awoke the next morning feeling groggy and stiff. When I went to scratch an itch on my nose I realized I was still partially shifted and quickly corrected it.

I was getting much better at doing stuff like that, making the beast feel just a tiny bit less intimidating. We were learning to work together much like my wolf and I had done so long ago.

Tears pricked my eyes at the thought, but I quickly pushed it aside. Now wasn't the time to get emotional.

We'd only arrived yesterday and sometimes there was a delay in sales. There was never a way to tell how long we'd sit in holding like this. It could be a day, or it could be a month. The only thing I knew for certain was that this was no place for children. Maya and Dante deserved so much better.

I looked down at their angelic faces still deep in sleep. Somehow, I was going to have to find a way to get them out of here. If we were back in the States I'd have resources and places to hide us, but Venezuela? How the hell was going to get out of here and back home?

The first step was going to be looking for an opportunity. That sort of opening could come along at any second, but we'd have to be ready. I knew I could fly myself out of here, but across the entire Gulf of Mexico to get back home would be a lot for just me, let alone flying with two pups in tow. Still, if that's what it took, that's what I'd do. We could always hop from island to island or stay to the coastline and follow the shoreline. It would take time, but as long as we were free, that would be okay.

My whole body stiffened as I heard the rattle of cages in a rhythmic way.


How any of our kind could be so sadistic and work for a Collector was beyond me.

“Lindsey,” she said cheerfully. “Good morning.”

“Shh.” I didn't want her waking the twins.

“Did you just shush me?” she asked, sounding overly indignant.

I gritted my teeth to force myself to stay quiet.

“That's what I thought,” she said smugly. “Besides. If I wanted your little brats awake, all I'd have to do is this.”

She snapped her fingers and suddenly vines were sprouting from Maya's hands and covering the sides of the cage as she awoke screaming.

“You've made your point, Anastasia. Stop it. Please.”

With another snap of her fingers, she smiled sweetly through a small hole in the vines. “Well, since you said please.”

A second later I heard the cadence resume as she walked on to torment others as she ran a stick slowly against the bars of the cages.

“Are you okay?” I finally asked the sweet girl in my lap as she sat there sobbing.

“Why does she have to be so mean?” she whispered.

“I really don't know.”

I brushed the hair from her face and wiped her cheeks dry.

“There. All better.”

Her little arms were thrown around my neck as she hugged me tightly.

“I suppose the good thing about this is that we have a bit of privacy now.”

Maya looked around and smiled. “Like our own little fort.”

I grinned and nodded until I felt Dante start to shake next to me.