Page 79 of Out of Peril

I knew we were in the blissful state of being newly bonded, but I couldn’t ever remember feeling so complete and so damn happy.

Walker was an amazing man. The sort of guy women dreamed of. And he was all mine. I felt like the luckiest woman in the world. Despite all my flaws and ugliness, he still chose me. I didn't have to hide the dark side within me. All my scars, my beast, all of it, he had seen and still chose me.

I was pretty sure I was still in shock of it all, but for once in my life I wasn't going to worry about what tomorrow may bring. For just today, I was going to throw caution to the wind and choose to be happy.

“If you don't wipe that smile off your face, everyone will know what we've done.”

“Pretty sure it's not something I'm going to be able to hide. At least not today.”

“So you are happy about this?”

I nodded.

“And I can call Shelby and tell her to feed the kids dinner at her place tonight?”

I bit my lip and nodded.

“And she can keep them for a sleepover tonight so I can have you all to myself?”

“Isn't that too much to ask of her?”

“That wasn't a no. And trust me, she owes me. Plus, she'll understand.”

“Are you sure?”


“I'm going to feel guilty about this.”

“Maybe tomorrow, but I promise guilt will not be what you're feeling tonight.”

My whole body tingled with excitement.

“Okay,” I whispered.

“Was that an okay? I just want to make sure I heard you right.”

I shot him incorrigible look. “Okay,” I said a little louder.

He kissed me and then grabbed his phone and called Shelby.

“Hey bestie, I need a big favor tonight . . .”


I don't know what I was expecting San Marco to be like, but it wasn't this beautiful little town where everyone smiled and said hello. It felt as if I had been transported into a movie or something. This couldn't possibly be real life.

Maybe the gunshot wound had really killed me and this was my heaven. That thought didn't even bother me because if this was how I got to spend all of eternity, then that was just fine by me. Of course, these people had no idea of the beast that lurked just under my skin. Though if I were being honest, she'd been far more complacent since I awoke. At times it was even worrying me.

“Do you think something bad could have happened to my beast when I was shot?”

“What do you mean?”

“I don't know how to explain it, but she's not as angry or aggressive. I don't know if I should worry or not.”

He shrugged. “Let's swing by headquarters and mention it to Grant, but I think he'll say something about her finding her mate and how that can calm your wolf, or beast who is still part wolf. I mean look at me. I've been struggling to control my wolf since the moment you were injured and now that we're bonded, he's back to being as calm as a sleeping pup.”

That could certainly explain it, I supposed. I knew I'd feel better after speaking with Grant about it.