Page 23 of Silent Ritual

"We're actually here on official business," Sheila said, "but we're trying to get a feel for the place. How long have you all been working here?"

"Oh, ages," the woman replied. "I've been here for fifteen years now. I'm Carol, by the way. This is Debra, and that's Susan."

"I'm Sheila. This is my partner Finn. After fifteen years, you must know all the ins and outs of this place. Any interesting characters we should know about?"

The women exchanged glances, their expressions growing guarded. Carol cleared her throat. "Well, you know how academia is. Everyone's a character in their own way."

Sheila nodded, realizing they weren't going to volunteer information easily. "We're particularly interested in the Anthropology department. Have you noticed anything unusual there lately?"

Susan shook her head. "Can't say that we have. It's been pretty quiet."

"Why do you ask?" Debra asked. "Is something wrong?"

Finn stepped closer, lowering his voice. "We're investigating a sensitive matter. Anything you could tell us would be helpful and, of course, confidential."

The women shifted uncomfortably. Carol glanced at her watch. "I'm sorry, but we really should get back to work."

As they turned to leave, Sheila noticed Debra hesitate. "Debra, was there something you wanted to add?" she asked.

Debra bit her lip, glancing at her colleagues. "It's probably nothing, but...well, Professor Whitaker from Mathematics has been acting strange lately. Especially around the Anthropology building."

Carol shot Debra a warning look. "I'm sure it's nothing. Professor Whitaker is just...eccentric."

"How do you mean, strange?" Sheila asked.

Debra lowered her voice. "He gets all nervous, always looking over his shoulder. And whenever Professor Jenkins is around, he practically runs the other way."

"Debra," Susan hissed, "we shouldn't be gossiping about faculty."

Sheila nodded, understanding their reluctance. "We assure you, this isn't just about gossip. It's very important we speak with him. Where might we find Professor Whitaker?"

After a moment of hesitation, Carol sighed. "His office is in the Euler Building, third floor. But please, don't mention we said anything."

"Of course," Sheila said with a smile. "Thank you for your help."

"He gets nervous and looks over his shoulder," Finn repeated as he and Sheila made their way to the Mathematics department. "You really think this is worth pursuing?"

"Hey, it's something. There's no telling what it could mean."

They found Professor Whitaker, an elderly man with a pronounced stoop and thick, owlish glasses, locking his office door.

"Professor Whitaker?" Sheila called out. "Do you have a moment?"

Whitaker turned, eyeing them suspiciously. "Who's asking?"

"Officers Stone and Mercer. We wanted to ask you some questions about Professor Jenkins."

Whitaker's demeanor immediately changed, his face paling visibly. "Questions?"

"About an ongoing investigation. A homicide investigation."

"I...I'm not sure I can help you," he said, glancing nervously down the hall.

Finn stepped in. "Professor, we understand you might have concerns. We assure you, anything you tell us will be kept confidential."

Whitaker hesitated, keys jingling in his trembling hands. "It's not that simple. There are...implications."

Sheila sensed his unease. "Professor, if you're worried about your safety or position here, we can offer protection and discretion."