Her guard was down enough for me to get into her panties, but I wanted more than that. I wanted Mia and I to be the way we were in the beginning of our time. We loved each other and couldn't get enough. She was the light of my life and when she left, she took that light with her.

Chapter Fourteen ~ Mia

After Brayden and I had sex, I stayed away from the cabin the next day. I was emotional, in my thoughts about getting pregnant and how oblivious he was to the fact. My mind was everywhere. Everywhere and nowhere at the same time.

“Did I enjoy the sex, hell yeah,” I told Tasha over the phone. “But I don’t know Tash, I think we might’ve made a mistake here. I mean, we haven’t even gotten over everything with Trent just yet and here we are having sex.”

“I knew you would,” she laughed. “I’m just being honest here; I knew there was no way you’d be able to stay away from a fine man like that. It makes it even harder because you guys have history. Shit, turn it into another love story.”

It was tempting. A love story about my relationship with Brayden was a story like many others. It would have been nice to give the women who followed me a story to relate to, but I had bigger fish to fry.

“Whose side are you on here?” I laughed. “You are not supposed to be encouraging this.”

When I thought about just how fine Brayden was and how good our sex was, even if we were limited to one position, it made me feel warm down there.

“He is fine though,” I continued. “And man, does he know what he’s doing with it. If you know what I mean.”

Tasha and I laughed about my rendezvous with Brayden until I made it back to the cabin. I thought he’d be in bed when I got back, but he was still awake and apparently waiting for me to return. The first thought that came to mind was great, now he’s becoming possessive. But I was wrong.

“I found Trent.”

I immediately dropped my bag to the floor and my mouth fell open in awe. I had waited so long to hear those words; they sounded like a dream.

“What? How?” I questioned. “Did you talk to him?”

“No, not yet.” He said. “I was doing some thinking today and got a funny thought about Florida. Remember how Trent always said he would like to move to Florida someday? Well, I made a list of all the prisons and camps down there and started calling. Luckily, I ran into the warden who has him. The guy sounds like a real jackass, but at least we know where he is now. We can do something for him.”

I was so filled with joy I started sobbing. I wanted to book a flight that very same night and do whatever I had to do to see him, but Brayden said it was no use. There were a lot of hoops to jump through before Trent was able to get a visit.

“You don’t want to make a trip all the way out there just to be turned away,” he said. “There’s paperwork and a background check that has to be processed before you’re able to go on his visitors list. And by the sound of the warden, I'm willing to bet they’ll drag their feet processing it.”

“Can’t Uncle Joe put a word in?” I rushed. “He knows people in Florida.”

“Yeah, yeah. Uncle Joe said let him know what needs to be done and he’ll get it done. No worries.”

We were both ecstatic. Too ecstatic to sit inside for the night. So, after assuring me he’d be fine to take a ride in the car, Brayden and I went to our favorite little diner near one of our favorite drop offs.

It was a brunch diner that sold breakfast and lunch all day, and all night. I loved going there because they had the best pancakes in town, while Brayden always opted for their steak. He said even though it was a small mom and pops diner, they put the most love into their food.

“I can’t believe you found him,” I said, as we sat in our booth waiting for our food. “I thought it would take months, maybe even years before we heard a word from him.”

“I know right. I made so many phone calls today, I don't even want to look at my phone for a long time.”

I appreciated Brayden for all the work he put in to find Trent. I had the same idea at one point in time, but I gave up after being turned away so much. Trent being in Florida never even crossed my mind. He always talked about going when we were younger, but I never thought he would be sent there to prison.

“I haven’t been here at this diner since you and I last came,” Brayden said.

“Oh yeah?’ I blushed. “How come?”

“I don’t know. Too many memories,” he shrugged.

When our food came and he was preoccupied with cutting his steak into tiny pieces like always, I took a moment to admire him. His dark lashes and fluffy eyebrows. His cheekbones and strong facial structure; they were all the things that made him, him. He was a big sexy bear of a man, but still had a gentle heart underneath it all. I missed having him close.

“The minute they say it’s okay to see him, I'm going to fly out there,” I said.

“It’s a long flight.”

“I don’t care how long it is. It's been even longer since I've heard from Trent.”