Once Olga and her assistant had all their supplies laid out and were ready to cut away my old bandages, she gave me a pep talk and let me know the task wouldn't be easy, but she would get it done as quickly as she could and as gently as she could. I prepared myself as best I could, but nothing could have prepared me for what I felt in my legs.

“Ah! Christ!” I shouted at her. “What are you doing, trying to kill me?”

“You have to relax, Mr. Knight,” she said. “The more you tense up, the more pain you’ll feel. I have to get these legs cleaned and sterile. Otherwise, you could risk infection.”

While she continued to scrape and wipe away the old skin from my legs, I shouted and cursed and wriggled around in my bed, trying to fight away the urge to kick. I said some pretty vile and nasty things during my pain. Things that Olga ignored because she was a tough woman and said she’d heard worse.

I shouted so long and so much, eventually Mia came running to my room to see what was going on and when she saw that it was only my nurse trying to help me get better, she gave me a piece of her mind for old times' sake.

“Jesus Christ, Brayden. I thought someone had broken in and was killing you, what the hell?”

I was in so much pain I couldn’t respond to her. I only continued to shout and punch my fist in the air out of frustration.

“Hey, hey,” she rushed over to grab ahold of my hands. “Calm down. They have to do their job and clean you up. Those burns look really nasty.”

The feeling of her touch soothed the pain a few notches. Her hands were so soft and gentle on my skin, I almost forgot about my legs being charred. Of course, I still felt the pain, but it became bearable.

“We’re almost done,” Olga said. “Are you the girlfriend?”

“Oh, no,” Mia chuckled. “An old friend. Just visiting for the summer.”

“Ahh,” Olga slowly nodded as she continued her cleaning. “Well, good. At least he’ll have some company to keep his mind off of being bed bound.”

It seemed like it took forever to get my legs cleaned and wrapped in new bandages. When Olga finished, she did a few leg exercises with me to make sure I still had feelings and could still move them, which I was thankful for. It hurt like hell, but as long as I could still use my legs, I fought through the pain.

Before she left, her and her assistant gave me a bed bath, which Mia stepped out of the room for. They also got me into my wheelchair and showed me how to maneuver myself back into bed when I was ready. I halfway wished she would have stayed and watched the bed bath, just to see if she’d be turned on like she used to be whenever she saw me naked. That was wishful thinking.

“Alright, Mr. Knight, we’re all done for the day. I'm sorry to have caused you so much pain, but it’s all for the greater good. You understand, right?” she teased.

“Sure,” I said. “All for the greater good.”

“Right,” she chuckled. “We’ll see you in a couple of days. You have your meds and everything else you need in the meantime, but if you find yourself needing anything more, don’t hesitate to give me a ring. I'm on call and at your service.”

After having my legs scraped clean, I didn’t think I'd need anything else too soon. I need a rest. Some quiet time. Food. I need to be healed and back on the fire truck. Not Olga.

“Thanks,” I said. “I’m sure I'll be fine until you come back.”

I wheeled myself into the kitchen to grab a beer and something to snack on once Olga and the assistant were finally gone. Mia was there at the table watching the news on her iPad looking beautiful as ever. Her hair was down, and she wore a spaghetti strap shirt that showed off her full breasts.

I couldn't help but steal a peek at them. They were nice; round and plump, and her nipples showed a little through the fabric.

“What happened to you?” she asked.

“Work,” I said.

“No shit,” she rolled her eyes. “What happened at work? You were trying to be a macho man and got yourself into trouble?”

Her guess was spot on, though I didn’t admit to it. She knew me well, even after all those years.

“Something like that,” I said, grabbing a beer. “This guy I work with, we don’t get along too much and I let my feelings get the best of me because of it. I ran into a burning building, blindly, and ended up being caught in the fire. I got the people out safely though.”

She nodded as if she wasn’t surprised, then the room went silent again. I wanted to ask her about her life, make small talk, see how she’d been. But I didn’t know how to be vulnerable with her again. Each time I tried to open my mouth to speak, my words got caught in my throat. I was glad when she finally spoke up first.

“So, how have you been, Brayden? Still stubborn and carefree?”

“Something like that,” I said. “Just trying to make the best of this life.”

“Yeah,” she nodded. “Good for you. Not everyone is fortunate enough to still have a life on the outside.”