“Yeah,” Nick scoffed. “Yeah, I bet it would.”

“Alright you two,” I intervened. “We’re having a nice breakfast this morning so whatever macho man beef you two have between each other, get rid of it before I have to get an attitude myself.”

The table grew quiet. Although I wanted to know what their deals were, I didn’t pry too much. I knew how guys could be. Especially younger brothers when their sisters had a man in her life. Brayden and I were still taking things slow, but we were on a greater foot than we were before. I felt myself slowly but surely falling for him again, even though I tried to hide it.

“It’s been a while since I had your cooking,” Brayden said. “What got you in the mood this morning?”

He gave me a sly look and I automatically knew what he was hinting at. When we were a couple, any time we had sex I would always feel so inclined to get up and make a great meal the next day. That was just how well he nourished my body.

“I don’t know,” I blushed. “I haven’t had anyone to cook for in a long time, so I thought I'd be nice and give you guys something good to eat.”

“Well, thank you. It is good and right on time, because I was starving.”

I told him about Nick and going to Florida to see Trent and asked him if he’d like to come along. I didn’t think much about his legs and being on the plane for as long as it would take us to get there, but he reminded me in his own way. I hated that he wasn’t able to fly out with us; I know Trent would have loved to see him there.

“When are you planning on leaving?” he asked.

“I called this morning and gave all of my information for whatever they needed, so hopefully as soon as possible.”

“Good. I know he’ll be happy to see you guys. Also, the first visit should be for family, you know? It's been a long time since he’s seen anyone, so you guys should definitely be the first.”

Even though I was angry at my mom, I wished she was able to go with us. Trent would have loved to see her, and I know she would have loved to see him. Seeing him might have even lit a fire under her ass to get herself together and change courses in her life. I was well aware of her reasons for trailing harder down the dark road she took. But honestly, it was no excuse when she still had a son to care for.

After breakfast, I drove Nick back into town as promised. I let him know to listen out for my call because the minute we were cleared to go and visit Trent, I was booking our tickets to leave. He assured me he would and that he was sort of excited to go after he’d eaten and calmed his angry stomach.

“What was that all about with Brayden earlier?” I asked before he got out of the car.

“What was what?” he asked.

“I don’t know, you were looking at him all weird, like he did something to you.”

Nick gave me a long hard look that made me feel stupid before he smiled and shook his head at me. He reminded me so much of Trent when he did that, I got the chills.

“You should have a real sit down with your boyfriend,” he said. “I feel like there’s something he’s not telling about the night they got into that accident. Mom always felt that way too. I don’t want to accuse him of anything, but I know in my gut there’s something he’s not telling anyone. He might have you fooled, but not me.”

I couldn’t argue with him there, because I felt like Brayden was hiding something about that night too. Even though we had already sat down and talked about it and he and I had been having sex, I still felt that way.

“Yeah,” I said softly. “I felt that way too. I already talked to him and asked him every question I could think of, but he says there’s nothing else to tell.”

“Have you asked him who was actually driving that night? Because I don’t think it was Trent.”

Chapter Twenty-One ~ Brayden

While Mia was out with Nick, I had the pleasure of having an unplanned visitor. My uncle, Joe. I wasn’t mad that he came over. In fact, I was happy he did. I wanted to talk to him about what Nick told me. If it was true, which I had a good feeling it was, I wanted to know why. Of course, I knew why, but I still needed answers.

I watched him as he waltzed into the dining area with lunch in his hands; two Philly cheesesteaks and his infamous lemonade. Uncle Joe made the best Philly cheesesteaks and the best lemonade. Good enough to make me want to skip the conversation all together.

“I see you’re moving around better,” he said. “Being up here must be doing you some good.”

“Yeah,” I agreed. “I’ve been having a lot of coming-to moments while being here.”

“I’m glad to hear it. I knew this place would be a staple for you during this time.”

The cabin was a lot of things. Comforting. Healing. Eye-opening. Rejuvenating. Especially with Mia. I felt like we made a lot of progress in such a short amount of time. Aside from the secret I held onto, everything was smooth sailing.

“You know, you should really go into business selling these things,” I said, taking a large bite out of my Philly. “They’re the best in town and need to be recognized.”

“You think so?” Uncle Joe chuckled. “Maybe I'll branch out into the food lane at some point. Right now, I've got a few other things I'm working on. What about you, huh? Why don’t you open yourself a food truck or something? You take after me with cooking, that’s for sure, because your mom can’t cook worth a damn.”