“Yeah well, hopefully Nick is taking some of this talk to the head and taking direction from someone who almost fell down the wrong path too.”

He looked at Mia and rolled his eyes. She ignored him, and the obvious distaste he had for me after talking about Trent. I was glad she did, because I wasn’t quite ready to tell her the entire truth about that night. I felt like shit for keeping that part a secret, but I had to tell her when I was ready.

“I ordered some takeout for dinner,” she said. “It shouldn't be long before it gets here.”

“Are you going to take me home after?” Nick asked. “I have things to do.”

“I’ll take you back tomorrow,” she said. “Just give me some time, Nick. The streets aren’t going anywhere. I think being out here in the wilderness might do you some good, you know? Help you get your mind right.”

Nick looked like he wanted to give Mia a good cursing himself, but he kept quiet. I felt like he was more focused on me and wanted to ask me more questions about Trent, but he didn’t. He just glared at me every so often and listened to Mia ramble on about him being a good kid.

The entire time they talked, I paid attention to how nurturing Mia tried to be with him. It made me miss the days she was the same way with me. I realized I took those small acts of kindness for granted and felt inclined to make it up to her somehow. No matter how long it took.

“Have you heard anything about mom?” Nick asked. “She hasn’t tried to call me at all.”

“Yeah, about that,” Mia sighed. “I went down there to bail her out after you stormed off, but she has no bond this time. That's why I've been trying to find you. I didn’t want you out here all alone.”

“Great,” Nick scoffed. “I’ve been alone this long; I can take care of myself.”

Nick started to get on my last nerve with his tough guy bullshit. All Mia tried to do was help him, make sure he was okay and had a safe place to lay his head, and all he did was give her attitude and shut down everything she said. I wanted to grab him by the collar and shake some sense into him, but I let Mia handle her little brother the way she saw fit.

“You really need to get your head out of the clouds, Nick,” she said. “If you think you can take care of yourself, pay bills, keep a roof over your own head and keep food on your own table, then I won’t stop you. But like I said before, don’t push me away and then call me when the shit hits the fan.”

When dinner came, we all crowded around the table and ate. Nick didn’t say much. Mia either. I was done trying to give him advice and listening to his attitude about everything, so I didn’t say anything at all. Instead of wasting my energy talking to deaf ears, I enjoyed my food, then went off to my room.

After Mia got him settled into one of the guest rooms for the night, she came to my room for some company. I didn't want to hear any more about Nick, but I was happy to have her near for some alone time.

“What am I going to do, Shuan?” she asked as she crawled into bed with me. “He isn’t receptive to anything I have to say. He thinks he knows it all and I'm so afraid he’s going to do something to get himself in trouble.”

“I don’t know,” I sighed. “My advice isn’t appreciated by him, so I'm going to keep my mouth shut. I'll be in your corner to support you though.”

I thought she would be angry at my comment, but she wasn’t. Instead, she climbed on top of me and started to kiss me. I thought I might have been dreaming at first, but when she reached into my boxers and fondled my shaft, I knew it was for real.

“Feeling frisky, huh?” I kissed her back.

“I’ve been feeling this way all day,” she said.

Wasting no time, Mia pulled my shaft through the opening in my boxers, removed her panties and inserted me into her wetness. It felt so good I let out a moan that was new to the both of us. My legs even jerked a little at the sensation.

“Mmm,” she teased. “What’s wrong? Can't handle it?”

She grinded her hips on top of me, working me deeper into her. My toes started to curl because she felt so good. The feeling of her ass bouncing against my thighs made me harder the more she rode me.

She rode me so good, I released in record time. That didn't stop her, however. She kept riding me until my erection got hard again and I was ready to switch positions and take her from behind. That was her favorite. Mine too, as long as I was with her.

She had a full moon shaped ass that was plump and soft, and made me want to bite a chunk out of it every time I pounded her from behind. I pounded her so hard that night, when we finished, my bed had rocked itself away from the wall.

“I hope Nick didn’t hear us,” I said. “He’ll for sure hate me even more now.”

“He doesn't hate you,” she chuckled softly. “He’s just in this phase right now. I don’t know. Shit, I think he hates me the most.”

Chapter Twenty ~ Mia

The next morning, I was up bright and early in the kitchen making breakfast. Even though there was no major breakthrough with Nick, I still felt good about my talk with him. He may not have absorbed everything I said to him at that moment, but I felt like after letting it marinate overnight, he’d start to take something in.

While I cooked and waited for him and Brayden to wake up, I sat on hold with the prison in Florida that housed Trent. I wanted to get started with whatever paperwork they needed from me, so that I could go and visit him. I even planned to take Nick with me.

I thought it would be great for him to get out of Big Bear and see something different. Even if it was for only a few days. At least then he’d have something exciting to look forward to.