“Who are you, fine lady?”

A young bull sat on the porch with a joint in one hand and a beer in the other. There were a few girls scattered around him, waiting for their turn to take a hit, while he glared at me like fresh meat. He was tall and skinny, shaggy haired and dingy. Much like a teenager would be. If it were any other day I might have entertained his shenanigans, but I was there for one reason only.

“Is Nick here?” I asked forcefully.

“Nick?” He squinted like he was thinking really hard on an answer. “Who’s asking?”

“Me. I'm asking,” I said. “Is he here or not?”

When he didn’t answer me, I took it upon myself to push past him and enter the house. I wasn’t afraid of some snotty kids who didn’t know their own asses from a can of paint.

“Jesus!” I scoffed and covered my nose from the stench of the place. “It’s filthy here.”

The house was dark and there was loud music playing from a huge Bluetooth speaker resting on an old broken chair. There were boys and girls walking about, laughing, drinking, and smoking. The smoke was so thick in the air, I could barely see anything.

“Nick?” I called out. “Is Nick here? Does anybody know Nick Norway?”

No one answered me. They all ignored me and continued doing what they were doing. When I got to the back of the house, there was still no sign of him.

“Excuse me,” I stopped a girl in passing, “do you know Nick? He's a little taller than me, brown skin, low haircut?”

“Nick,” she chuckled. “Yeah, I know Nick. What do you want with him?”

Her tone was snarky like she had a crush on him or something and I was an intruder trying to sweep in and steal her prize. I didn’t blame her. Nick was a handsome kid, and I was the same way with Brayden when we dated.

“I’m his sister,” I said. “I’m just trying to make sure he’s okay. Do you know where he is?”

Before she could answer me, a huge guy emerged from what felt like thin air. He nudged her out of the way and stood nearly chest to chest with me. The guy was so large, I was afraid to look up for a moment but when I did, I felt like I was looking at the devil himself.

“You’re looking for Nick?”

His voice was so deep I could hardly make out what he said.

“Yeah,” I gulped. “Is he here?”

He looked me up and down before tilting his head and giving me a smirk. When he stepped closer to me, pressing his midsection against my much smaller frame, I backed away and got ready to run out of the house. But suddenly, Nick showed up.

“Mia?” he frowned. “What are you doing here? Hey, chill, this is my sister.”

He stepped in between me and his friend and I felt an instant sense of relief. Nick might have been younger than me, but he had way more heart and I knew he would do anything to protect me.

“I came here to find you. What are you doing here, in a place like this?”

I could sense that I offended his large friend. If Nick hadn’t stepped in between us, there was no telling what he might have done to me. Instead of answering my question though, Nick ushered me out the door to safety.

“You shouldn’t have come here, Mia,” he said under his breath. “This isn’t a place for somebody like you.”

“It’s not a place for you either,” I said.

The minute we got outside, we bumped into Brayden. He'd gathered the strength to get out of the car and come searching for me. Nick was surprised to see him, but there was a certain level of respect in his eyes when they looked at each other.

“You brought your bodyguard too huh?” he scoffed as he helped me get Brayden back to the car. “What did you think I was up to? Fighting a war or something?”

I was so happy to get away from that place, I barely shut my door all the way before I was already pulling off. Nick was in the backseat shaking his head at the stunt Brayden and I pulled, while Brayden glared at me ready to scold me for not listening to him.

“I’m never going to hear the end of this,” Nick said.

“Good,” I said. “You shouldn’t have run off like that, Nick, and you don’t need to be hanging out with those kinds of people. They all look like nothing but trouble.”