With her face pressed against the back of the couch, I plowed into her from behind the way she loved. Her fingernails gripped the couch as she moaned and screamed for more. With my hands on her round cheeks, I stroked her deeper, harder, faster; every which way she hollered out for me.

“Oh yeah!” she shouted. “You’re the best I ever had. I don’t want anyone else.”

I felt a tingle in my shaft when she praised me. It felt like I got stiffer and had a boost of extra stamina. I flipped her over and eased my frame in between her legs for more; slipping inside of her wetness.

Sometimes, it amazed me how sexual she was. Outside of sex, she was this bright and sunny girl who looked innocent, until you made her angry. But in the bedroom, she was like a sexy she-devil who snatched your soul and never gave it back.

“How did you get so good at this?” she moaned.

“Practicing with you,” I said.

I made love to her like a porn star that night. She was so tight and so wet that it was a miracle I didn’t spurt all over the place the minute I entered her. She gave me the chills and made my manhood yearn for her in ways I'd never felt.

“I’m close.” I groaned but continued stroking her.

“How close?” she teased, trailing her nails up my back.

That did the trick. Her fingernails gilding against my skin made me lose control of my stamina and empty myself into her like before I had a chance to remove myself.

“Oh my God,” she moaned. “That was a lot.”

I could hardly catch my breath. I could hardly move. I could hardly form a thought after the orgasm I released. It was intense; probably the best I ever had.

“You have to stop doing that,” she chuckled as she held me against her naked chest. “We don’t want to end up pregnant.”

“Sorry,” I panted. “You’re right. We won’t do it again.”

“We?” she laughed. “That’s all you, buddy.”

When I was strong enough to move again, I got myself up and got dressed. She did the same. That time didn’t feel so awkward afterward. I figured it was because we had a conversation beforehand about what we were doing and what our intentions were. I liked the feeling after sex that night. It felt normal. Like we were in a relationship and were casually having sex.

“I’m going to soak in the tub,” she said. “I’m sure my body will be sore in the morning. Do you need help with anything before I go?”

She looked so sexy standing in front of me with her hair all wild, I thought I might need more of her.

“What if I need you?” I asked.

She snagged at her bottom lip while giving me the most seductive look ever. Her hips swayed as she walked closer to me and placed a gentle kiss on my lips. She then turned around and gave one last look back.

“Call me. If I'm awake, I'll come.”

The way she said ‘come’ was magical. I knew she meant in more ways than one. That was the fun about Mia when she was in her sexual energy. She knew how to be frank and modest at the same time. I'd never had sex with a woman who was able to leave something to the imagination the way she did.

When she went upstairs, I went into my bathroom and ran myself a bath. Mine wasn’t as comfortable as hers because of my legs, but the plastic coverings that Olga had left for me helped out a lot.

While I soaked in the warm water, I let my head, and my emotions fall in line with each other. I didn’t want to overthink how I felt for Mia, or how she felt for me. I wanted to do exactly as she said and take things slow.

Since we were older, I didn’t think taking things slow would be a hard task. But the more I thought about how grand life would be if we got back together, the deeper I fell into the rabbit hole. I wanted a life with Mia. I had always wanted a life with Mia. Tragedy struck and tore us apart, but I felt like fate came back around to grant us another chance at love.

I might have felt it a lot more than she did, or maybe she was just afraid to let herself fall into me completely because of the way we ended the first time. Whichever it was, I swore to myself that I was a changed man, and I would do the inner work it took to get her back completely.

Chapter Sixteen ~ Mia

“Nick, what’s up? Why are you calling so late?”

“Mom just called me from jail. I didn’t know who else to call.”

My heart skipped a beat in my chest when I got that call from Nick. My little brother had to call and tell me that our mom was in jail. It was no surprise to me, but it broke my heart for him. Had I not been in town during that time, there's no telling where he might have ended up.