Page 66 of Too Hostile

“What’s going on?” I finally ask with a full sentence.

“Can I come in? I just want to talk.”

My first thought is yes. I mean, right away. No hesitation. But finally, my brain kicks in right before I can say anything. “I don’t think that’s a good idea, Fletcher.”

“Please?” He doesn’t miss a beat, flashing those big blue eyes at me. And I swear he’s even pouting. Who the hell could say no to him?

Not me. “Okay,” I relent and move out of the way, so he can walk into my house. He breezes past me, and damn, he smells good. I’m surrounded by Fletcher—his damn scent all over the shirt I’m wearing and him right here in my space as I close the door behind us.

My head is swimming, but I manage to stand there stoically and wait for him to speak. “I want to show you something, and I want you to stay calm and talk to me about it before you freak the hell out.” He pulls his phone from his pocket.

“I don’t ever freak the hell out,” I start to argue, but he raises one thick eyebrow at me to shut me up.

I huff, but I don’t say anything else. He holds his phone up to me, and I see it’s some sort of acceptance letter.

“What is this?”

“It’s an acceptance of my transfer to Rockford.”

Rockford College is a private college about two hours from here. Oh no. “You didn’t do that,” I say, surprised as all hell and shaking my head. “Fletcher, tell me you did not quit school for me.”

I feel sick to my stomach and actually wrap my arms around my waist to try to hold myself together.

“No. I didn’t.”

I stare at him, huffing loudly. “This says you did.” I point to his phone, and it’s his turn to huff at me as he stuffs his phone in his pocket.

“No. It says I put in for a transfer to a different college, which I did. And of course I got accepted. I mean, I still have to finish this semester, but starting next semester, I won’t be enrolled in this college any longer.”

“You shouldn’t have done that for me,” I say, shaking my head because who does that? “You can’t rearrange your whole life for someone you just met, Fletcher. We’ve known each other for a year.”

“That’s all I needed.” He steps into me, and even though I know I should step back, I don’t move. “That’s all the time I needed to know I’m completely and totally in love with you. Hell, I knew it well before a full year of knowing you, but I guess I was too afraid to say it.”

I need to fight this. He’s young. This is his first taste of love... or whatever, and he just doesn’t know. “Fletcher, you don’t love me,” I try.

But he’s not having it. His shoulders square, and he stands up even taller, his head held high. “I do. And I’m sorry if that scares you, but it doesn’t make it any less true. I’m in love with you, Ronan. No doubts. No fear. I love you.”

My heart is pounding rapidly in my chest. My palms are actually sweating. I feel nothing but fear right now. He can’t mean that. I shake my head. “You’re young.”

“Don’t do that,” he cuts me off right away. “If you don’t love me, that’s fine, but don’t you dare use my age against me. We aren’t that far apart in age, and we both know I’m a different type of eighteen. I know what I want.”

I shake my head. “You cannot rearrange your life for me simply because you want to keep having sex with me. That’s insane.”

“Oh, I for sure want to keep having sex with you.” His voice drops into a sexy, husky tone as he steps even closer to me and places his hands on my hips, holding me in place. “But that’s not all I want, and you know it. Deep down, you know how much I love you. That I want everything with you, not just sex. I want a life with you. I want to come home to a place we call ours, and I want to make dinner together and talk about our day. I want to annoy the shit out of you and watch you roll your eyes at me, but also...” One of his hands moves to my mouth, his finger dragging along my lips. “You can’t fight smiling because you’re not actually that annoyed with me.”

“Fletcher,” I say weakly. God, I want all that. “No one loves me.”

He only smiles, and then his hand cups my jaw. “I do.”

I shake my head. I want to believe him. But how can I? My own mother didn’t love me enough to come back for me. No one after that loved me enough to keep me. It was always on me. I was always alone. I’ve learned how to be happy being alone. “I...” I falter because I don’t know what the hell to say.

But Fletcher doesn’t seem discouraged at all. “I know, baby,” he says so damn easily, I want to melt into him. “I feel it too, you know? The fear that maybe no one will ever really love me. Or I did before Blair came along. It took me a while to feel like someone could love me for real.”

“You deserve that,” I say, and I mean it more than I’ve ever meant anything in my life. Fletcher deserves love.

He grins, wide and beautiful. “So do you, and I’m going to show you. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you before. I love you more than anything in this world. And I know it’s going to be hard for you to believe that, but I’m going to show you, and you’re going to let me. You know why?”

I shake my head slowly, his hand still on my face. “Why?”