She propped up on her elbows and yelled as loud as she could. No one would hear her because Hallie didn’t live here anymore, and she lived in a cabin out in the freaking woods.
This was the house she had spent summers in with her parents. It was their vacation home, and they had offered it to her for a steal of a deal when she had gotten out of college.
She’d loved it, and then loved it even more when Hallie lived in the spare bedroom down the hallway, but now it felt big and empty.
Her phone dinged with a text. She log-rolled over the king-size bed to the bedside table, yanked her phone off the charger to hold it up to her face, dropped it right on her nose, and yelped. That hurt.
Yet another sign she could never live with shifters, because Ace had been all like ‘I want a sandwich’ after he had nearly gotten clawed to death, and her eyes were watering from dropping a damn cell phone onto her face.
She blinked a couple of times to clear the blurriness, and read the text from Longdong.
It was just an address and the name of a bar that was ten minutes down the road.
Huh. Gunner was taking them to his and Hallie’s favorite spot already? Risky. If they bled people tonight, they would have a hard time going back there. Wait. No, they wouldn’t care.
I’m busy pouting. Send.
I know. That’s why I’m inviting you out. A video came through, and it was a selfie video of him at a long table with a bunch of the shifters from today. Three girls were also there, and one was sitting by him.
Corey narrowed her eyes and sat up. Who’s Tits McGee? Send.
The ten out of ten beside you. Send. Okay, yes, she was a little jealous.
Owen was talking to her but he went to the pisser, and now she’s talking to me. Come save me if you want. Or not. Maybe she will be the love of my life, who knows?
Why were her ears getting hot?
She let off a very human-sounding growl, then pulled the V-neck of the charcoal gray T-shirt she’d changed into down lower to expose her cleavage. She should’ve taken her lip gloss out, but on second thought, she left it. She took a picture at just the proper angle to ensure maximum boob curves, and then sent the picture to him. Ask her if she likes this shade of lip gloss. Send.
Okay, slow down self, he is not yours—
Drive here or I’m coming to get you. Wear that.
She was a little smug with herself. I’ve had three sips of a beer today, I can’t drive. Send.
I’m drinking water tonight so I don’t kill these motherfuckers. I’ll be there in ten.
Oooh, the butterflies that consumed her middle. She jumped up and rushed around like a madwoman. She put on a pushup bra before she pulled her gray V-neck over her torso again, then kicked out of her saggy sweatpants and slid into some black Wrangler cutoff shorts and a pair of black leather ankle boots. She yanked the hairband out of her messy bun and shook her hair out. It was a little messy and a little creased from the hair tie, but that was probably all right!
She rushed to the bathroom and vamped up her makeup, added shimmering dark eyeshadow to make her blue eyes pop, and eyeliner, and burgundy lipstick. She even contoured her cheeks and added a little body glitter to her cheekbones.
She finished applying that right as she heard an engine out front.
Did he drive a fast car? A truck?
She grabbed her little black cross-body purse and speed-walked to the front door. When she threw it open, she froze.
It was all black, just like Gunner’s.