Page 23 of Fastlander Fallen

“If they find out I’m alive, they will want me to be their king.”

Chills rippled up her spine.

He stood, pulling the food up with him, and walked past her. “I’m going to give the others some food. Good luck in there with Gunner.”

She twisted around to watch him walk away. He didn’t look back, like a cool boy. Just left the mind grenade with her, and left.


Who the hell was this man?

Chapter Five

Why was he nervous?

Ace didn’t get nervous. He couldn’t even remember a time he’d felt this fidgeting agitation.

He paced to the firepit and back to the tree line to alleviate the weird energy his animal was giving off.

Perhaps it was because of all the dominant shifters around him.

Owen, the boar shifter, was sitting on the pile of stones near the firepit, watching him.

“What?” Ace demanded.

“She’ll be fine.”

“The fuck are you talking about?” he gritted out, and then took off for another lap to the trees and back.

“Girls respect steady men,” Owen said when he’d returned.

“Don’t care what any girls think,” Ace said low.

Owen arched his blond eyebrow and rested his hand on his hip, stretched his leg out from where he was sitting. “Where did you learn to fight?”

Ace blew out a steadying breath and checked the front door of Gunner’s single-wide again. He didn’t get any bad vibes from Owen, and hadn’t all day—he just wasn’t in a talkative mood. Wasn’t the boar shifter’s fault though.

“Mostly self-taught. Had a dad who was a good fighter, so that helped.”

“Same. My dad was on me since I was little. Preparing me for the world and all. I used to hate him for it, but now I see the value in it. I’ll probably do the same to my sons.”

“Teach them to fight?”

“Teach them to protect themselves from the world.”

“First Crew?” Ace asked curiously.

“Maybe. The competition is stiff,” Owen said, scanning the others.

Ace shrugged. “You’ve got a chance. I don’t recognize you from around here?”

“You wouldn’t. I’m from Montana. Never been to Laramie before.”

“How did you hear about the Fastlanders?”

“Word spreads fast when a new Damon’s Mountains Crew opens up. Rumor is the blue dragon is expanding territory. Anyone with brains in their head would want to be a part of that.”

“You and your dad were rogue?”