“I brought you some roast beef in case you were a meat-eating predator.” She held up the pound of thinly-sliced roast beef she’d grabbed from the deli section of the grocery store.
“Beef and beer, my kinda gal.” He led her to the side of the house where he had been lumberjacking.
“Are you trying to seduce me?” she asked.
He tossed her a look. “Chopping wood turns you on?”
“Chopping wood shirtless would turn any woman on.”
He sat on the woodpile, dug through the groceries, and pulled out a loaf of bread. He stuffed some roast beef onto a slice and folded it, then handed it to her before he made his own sandwich. There was a growl in his chest as he worked.
“You okay?” she asked seriously.
“Injured. Food will make it heal faster.”
She knelt and dug into the bag, pulled out the first-aid kit, and held it up. “Injured where?”
He stopped mid-chew, his bright eyes locked on the little red kit in her hand.
“You got a first-aid kit?”
She nodded. “Apparently you bleed all the freaking time.”
“Not usually, you just met me on a bad day.”
She looked at the others, who were milling about talking amongst themselves. “Why are you alone over here?”
“Gunner gave me a job,” he said low.
“Just you?”
He nodded and took another bite.
That’s when she noticed the claw marks on his torso. He’d washed the blood off, and they were half-healed injuries, but they were red and angry looking. “Those are new?” she asked, gesturing to his clawed-up six-pack.
“It’s fine.”
“Is Gunner giving you space from the other shifters?” she asked curiously.
Ace’s gaze coasted over to the others. “He’s giving them a break.”
“From you?”
He nodded once, and took another bite. He rolled his eyes closed and relaxed his head back as he chewed. “This is the best thing I’ve ever eaten,” he moaned.
“Sounds like you haven’t met the right woman, heyooo.”
He nearly choked, and coughed. “What is wrong with you?”
“I can see your smile from here, don’t pretend I’m weird. Hand me the mayo.”
He reached into the bag, pulled out the mayonnaise she’d purchased and offered it to her, then jerked it away as soon as she almost reached it. “Say please.”
“Please give it to me right now.”
“Mustard is better on roast beef.”
“Lucky for you, I am a genius and bought mustard too.”