Page 16 of Fastlander Fallen

He handed her his phone, his eyes steady on her. The new-contact information screen was pulled up. Oh, this man was smooth. Too smooth.

Still, she was flattered. It had been awhile since a man had shown interest in her. Even if she was just one of a mass of women he would have stored in his phone, at least he found her interesting.

She took the phone and typed in her number, then handed it back to him.

He typed something into it, and her phone vibrated in her back pocket.

She pulled it out and read the text from the unknown number.

This is Ace. Your survival instincts need work.

She pursed her lips against a smile and looked up at him, her cheeks heating with a blush. “I did just give my number to a man who has been in two fights since I met him.”

He nodded. “You did that.”

She shoved her phone back into her pocket and said, “I’m going to ride off into the sunset now.”

Ace jammed a thumb behind him. “Sunset would be that way.”

“Right. I’m going to walk away like a cool girl and not look back. Hallie,” she called. “I’m clocking out. Love you, see you when you have time for me.”

“I’ll call you after we’re done today!”

“I don’t believe you, but I still love you.”

“Love you too!”

Be. Cool. She curtseyed. Oh God. She curtseyed deeper. Stop! Then she nodded her head demurely and said, “I hope your days are filled with sunshine.” Perfect. She took one last mental picture of the confusion on his face, and left. And then she looked back at him four to seven times like the very-uncool girl that she was.

“Nicely done,” she whispered to herself as she gripped the steering wheel of her car.

It was nice to meet you, she texted. Send.

It was weird to meet you too, came Ace’s reply.

And as she pulled away, she thought today was the strangest day she’d ever had, but she wasn’t alone with it. She had definitely given Ace a weird day too.

She was also pretty sure he would never text her again.

Chapter Four

You need to come back here.

Corey narrowed her eyes at the text that had come through from Ace, whom she’d named Longdong in her phone.

Is Hallie all right? Send.


Mmm. Hard pass then. Should I get ice cream sandwiches this week, or push-pops? Send. And then she sent a picture of the two options in the freezer of the grocery store she was currently shopping in.

Ice cream sandwiches, came the immediate reply.

Huh. It was hot when a man was decisive.

Appreciate you. Send.

Corey shoved her phone back into her purse, grabbed the box of ice cream sandwiches, and then headed for the cheese aisle. The cheese aisle was her favorite. Admission: sometimes she grated a pile of sharp cheddar and ate it for dinner, and so far, she had no regrets.