Page 59 of Fastlander Fallen

“What’s an egg benedick,” Owen asked, frowning at the menu.

“It’s egg benedict,” Corey offered helpfully, popping the T. “Learn some culture, Owen,” she joked.

He scrunched his face. “Is this menu in English?”

“Turn the menu over. They got biscuits and gravy,” Hallie said as she poured two more glasses of champagne. “I hope you boys like mango.”

“I don’t want them to stay,” Gunner muttered.

“Well, Captain is your brother, so he should be here to celebrate with us, and you already said Owen is probably getting an invite.”

“I fuckin’ knew it!” Owen crowed.

“Shhhh!” Gunner hissed aggressively. “It’s not for certain yet. Damon has to approve, and he doesn’t fuckin’ like you.”

“Damon already gave me the invite,” Captain said, drinking the mimosa Hallie had handed him like a shot.

“What?” Gunner demanded, and now there was fury in his too-bright, bi-colored blue and silver eyes.

“Slumber party every night, broski,” Captain said harshly. “Just like when we were cubs.”

Gunner leaned back in his chair and slammed his fists on the table so hard, Corey was certain it would snap in two. She reached forward and steadied the toppling champagne bottle. “New rule,” she quipped. “No more talking business at the table. Crew shit stays out of this breakfast before you idiots break everything.”

“Fine,” Owen said, studying the mimosa Hallie had handed him. “There’s bubbles in this drink.”

Captain handed his empty glass back to Hallie for a refill. “I like it.”

Gunner was staring at his brother and filling the air with a constant growl while Hallie bit back a smile and poured the rest of the champagne into Captain’s glass. “We are doing a toast with this one, don’t chug it.”

Captain agreed. The second the drink was made, he lifted it up in the air. “Here’s to fuck-up Alphas who should’ve never been named Alph—”

“Downstairs,” Gunner barked as he stood.

“No!” Hallie yelled, hand on Gunner’s forearm. She swung around to Captain with fire in her eyes. “You are going to be my brother-in-law. Sit down!” She jammed a finger at his chair and waited until he slowly sat down before she continued in a softer voice. “You are going to be my brother-in-law. I’m going to need your help sometimes, and so will Gunner. If you want in this Crew, that’s the deal.”

Captain and Gunner were glaring at each other, but Hallie continued.

“You boys are all going to fight, I get it. But today is a special day for Gunner and I.” She shoved her hand in front of Captain and wiggled her fingers to catch the glint of the diamond ring in the morning sunshine.

Captain glanced down, and then back to his brother. “You could’ve done much shittier on the ring, I suppose.”

“See? There’s a nice compliment,” Hallie said in an optimistic tone. “And it didn’t kill you to say something nice!” She leaned closer to Captain and growled out, “Don’t ruin this for me.”

Captain huffed a long sigh, then lifted his mimosa. “To Hallie, and her terrible taste in men.”

Hallie plastered on a smile and lifted her glass. “To me and Gunner.”

Ace was standing next to her, arms locked on the table, eyes boring into Captain. When had he even stood? The tension roiling off him was palpable.

Corey reached over and rested her hand on the back of his calf. Ace looked to Gunner, then slowly sat down and lifted his beer with the rest of their drinks. “To Hallie and Gunner,” he murmured in unison with Corey.

The boys all downed their drinks, eyes on each other like it was some kind of unsaid challenge. It was Owen who pulled a face after he finished his mimosa. “What the fuck did I just drink?”

Corey and Hallie laughed, and then Hallie waved to the waitress as she came out. “Can we do another bucket of mimosas? We had a couple of friends join us.”

“Of course,” the waitress said softly, her wide-eyed gaze bouncing from one giant to the next. “You’re all very large men.”

“That’s what she said,” Owen muttered under his breath, and Captain snorted.