“It was,” I sniffed, sitting up to look at her. “I was an idiot. I pushed him away and I’ve regretted it ever since. I’ve been beyond miserable this whole week. He hasn’t even called me. Why would he?”

“What did you say to him?” she asked, brown eyes filled with concern.

Blowing out a breath, I started, “Well, after he said he loved me?”

A squeal that could only come from Ruby filled the room. “How romantic! Give us details. Where were you? What were you two doing when he professed his love?”

I glanced at Ruby’s beaming face and pictured myself on my knees after giving Julian a blow job. My face heated up several degrees. “Er...I’d rather not give any details.” I ignored Cass’ knowing smirk. “So after he told me he loved me, instead of telling him I loved him too, I foolishly let him think that I didn’t want a long-distance relationship because I don’t trust him. However, I do trust him.” Wringing my hands together, I pulled my quivering lip between my teeth. “I let him think I wouldn’t care if he moves on, but I do care.”

Tessa sighed. “Then why didn’t you tell him the truth?”

“I didn’t want him to give up his luxurious life to come back here because he thinks he owes me anything.”

“He loves you,” Ruby emphasized. “I don’t think he’d have any regrets.”

“Well, that’s not a certainty so...I said stupid things. I was only trying to look out for him.”

“Of course,” Cass said with disgust. “Typical April, denying her own happiness to look out for someone else. Typical Tessa too,” she added.

“I do not.” Tessa glared at Cass who only smirked.

Cass took us all by surprise when she closed her laptop and stood up. “There’s only one thing to do now.” We all stared at her silently. “We’re going to Canada.”

When everyone continued to gawk, she sighed. “Alright, I know you all think I’m queen bitch but I want my sisters to be happy. Julian makes you happy. I saw that ten years ago when he invited you to prom. Timid April had burst out of her shell even if it was just for a moment. I’d never seen you happier. Then you spent time with him and when you left him, you were utterly miserable. You love the guy, so let’s cross the freaking border so you can make things right.”

Ruby clutched her chest, her eyes wide. “I’ll be damned, you do have a heart. Where has it been all this time?”

Cass flipped her off and marched out. “Let’s go ladies! Canada and Julian are waiting!”

For just a moment longer, I gaped at the chair Cass vacated, wondering what had got into her. Was her one-night stand with her Latin lover that good? After that, I practically sprinted to the door to prepare for the trip. I was going to go the distance to get my man back.



The crowd roared as I slapped the puck, and it sailed past the opposing team's goalie.

“Jesus, Grayson!” Jeff hollered so I could hear him. “You’re like a man possessed, tonight.”

“Yeah,” I grumbled, gliding on the ice. “We need to hurry up and win this shit so I can go back to Nebraska to win back my woman.” I was extra driven. Already, I planned to use the days between this game and the next to head back to Oakland. If April thought I was going to just give up, she thought wrong.

Jeff shook his head. “To be young and in love.”

“Oh, hush you’re thirty-eight,” I reminded him yet again.

He grinned. “Coach is going to have a problem with that.”

“I couldn't care less. This is a matter of the heart, man.”

He roared. “Okay, Romeo. Next thing I know, you’re going to show up to a game in a tunic and tights, spouting poetry.”

Chuckling, I broke away from him and returned my attention to the game. Maybe if I showed up at April’s door in a tunic and tights, she’d take my feelings for her seriously. Shaking my head, I zeroed in on playing until intermission. Heaving a sigh, I yanked off my helmet as everyone cleared the ice. Before I got far, Jake nudged me with his elbow.

“Dude, do you have a magic dick or something?”

“Excuse me?”

“There are four hot chicks trying to get your attention.”