I snorted. “Please, everyone knows what I’ve been up to. My life is played out in the media.”
April turned to peer at me with curiosity. Maybe it was the underlying bitterness and frustration in my tone that got her attention. “You sound like you’re blaming the media. Isn’t that on you?”
Settling back in my seat, I scowled, “I’ve never asked to be stalked by cameras, April. I never asked to be used by almost everyone I encounter either.”
She lifted an eyebrow. “I’m sorry, but I can’t bring myself to garner much sympathy for you while I’m sitting here on a private jet.”
Snorting, I turned to look out the window. We’d be in LA in the next hour. I could just imagine the hiding and dodging I'd have to do to get to our hotel unnoticed. Turning back to April, I felt a little guilty. I didn’t want to pull her into the whole media frenzy, but it would likely happen at some point the longer she was around me. She was going to hate it.
“I get why you’d think I’m loving my luxurious lifestyle. It’s what’s portrayed to the public. Hanging with other athletes, pop stars, A-list actors, and actresses…”
She gave me a look of pure derision. “Dating Victoria’s Secret models.”
Tapping my fingers on the armrest, I lifted a brow. “Jealous?”
She lifts a brow. “Get real, Julian. You leave behind a trail of broken hearts. Not that I care. It’s just hard not to see what’s shoved in our faces.”
Grinding my molars, I considered defending myself. Broken hearts my ass. Hadn’t it ever occurred to anyone that maybe I’m the one being used by women who are looking for a come-up? They hook up with me, get a few shopping sprees and lavish gifts, get their clout for being seen on my arm, then they move on. However, I’m always seen as the bad guy. I'm the heartless playboy in every instance.
“Yeah, well, you shouldn’t believe everything you read, April,” I grumbled, shifting uneasily in my seat. I couldn’t figure out why I cared so much about what she thought.
She gave me a dismissive look before sighing. “I can't believe I’m actually here with you. I can’t believe you actually wanted to hire me.”
I smirked. “Hey, April, want to take a selfie with me to post on your social media?”
Her cute nose crinkled and her brows drew together. “Excuse me? No. I don’t want your face on my phone screen or any of my social media pages.”
My hearty bellow made her lift a brow. “I was trying to make a point, and it’s been made.” Her perplexed expression made me smile so I explained, “Last year, I hired a personal assistant when I realized things were getting way too hectic with the business ventures I was taking on.”
She shrugged. “Not getting the point here.”
“I’m getting to it,” I sighed. “I invited her into my home because you know, personal assistant. One day, I crashed on my couch and woke up to find her face next to mine, with a phone directed at us. She was trying to take a goddamn selfie with me while I slept. Needless to say, I was freaked the fuck out. Can you say stalker vibes?”
April snickered. “Yeah, I feel you on that.”
“She explained that she was a huge fan and wanted to gain more followers on Instagram. She was my employee, April. I’ve been afraid to hire anyone else to work closely with me ever since.” Grinning, I pointed a finger at her. “But you, my little frenemy, would never do that to me. I can trust you to not use me. You hate me too much to use me for anything. You’re not my fan. Now, do you see why I hired you?”
April gazed at me with an annoyed glint in her eyes. “Frenemy? Seriously?”
Chuckling, I reached for the glass of Dom Pérignon the flight attendant had poured. April batted my hand away. “You took antibiotics like thirty minutes ago, you nut job.”
Sitting back, I sighed. “Right. My bad, Nurse.” That earned me an eye roll, and I bit back a smile. At least she cared about me...even if it was just on a professional basis.
After a while, she said, “And I don’t hate you. Sure, I’ve said those words plenty of times, thought them too, but I don’t. Hate is such a strong word. I have a strong dislike of you.”
I snorted my amusement. “Gee, that makes me feel a whole lot better.”
She shrugged and went back to staring out the window. After another period of silence, she quietly added, “Sorry about your assistant. Everyone deserves a little privacy.”
I couldn’t keep my smile from surfacing. Was it me, or was April already warming up to me? And why did that thought satisfy me so much?
“We’re going to the nearest doctor to get this thing cut off.”
I stared at Julian for a moment, processing his words. “You’re joking, right?”