There was no going back now. This was it -- the moment we’d been preparing for. The tension in the room was palpable as we gathered around the table to discuss our plan of attack. Yet all I could think about was Jo’s promise to stay safe… and mine to come back to her.
Every cell in my body thrummed with determination as we began our final preparations. Jo’s safety was all that mattered now… and if I had to go through hell and back to ensure it… then so be it.
Chapter Fourteen
Anticipation and tension crackled in the air like a live wire as we gathered in the main room in the clubhouse an hour after I’d met with Cheshire and March. I could feel the weight of responsibility press down on me.
“Listen up.” My voice cut through the room, silencing everyone. “We don’t have much time, so let’s get to it. Shake, you and your boys are going to take point. We’re going to hit Eddie Lewis’ place within the hour. No fuckups.”
I held the gaze of each mercenary in turn, making sure they understood the stakes. This was only a paying gig for them. If things didn’t turn out, they didn’t have to live here and deal with the fallout.
“Underland brothers, y’all know what to do. We’re backing Shake’s crew, but remember --” I paused, my gaze sweeping over the familiar faces of my family. “Our priority is not only Jo, but also this town. Whatever happens, I don’t want it spilling over to the citizens of Warren. We need to keep this shit contained as much as possible.”
I clenched my fists, feeling the calloused skin stretch taut over scarred knuckles. I had made a promise to Jo, and I’d be damned if I was going to break it. No matter how bad things got tonight, I’d come home to her.
“Let’s do this right, boys,” I said. “We don’t have any room for error.”
“Got it, Hatter,” Mock replied, his gravelly voice echoing my determination. The others nodded, their resolve written in the set of their jaws and the fire in their eyes.
“Good.” I swallowed hard, my throat suddenly dry. This was it, the moment everything had been leading up to. The endgame. And I would see it through, no matter the cost.
“Gear up, then. We move out in thirty.” I glanced around the room one last time, my gaze lingering on the empty space where Jo should have been. I knew the thought of our upcoming battle scared her.
“Let’s finish this,” I murmured, more to myself than anyone else. It was time to put an end to Eddie Lewis and his twisted games, once and for all.
While everyone scrambled to follow orders, I went to look for Jo.
* * *
Hatter caught sight of me, his gaze searching mine with an intensity that made me shiver. He crossed the threshold and came into my room.
“Listen to me.”
I braced myself, my hands clammy and cold against my thighs. Hatter’s face was etched with determination, his jaw set.
“I need you to stay here,” he told me, his grip tightening on my arm. “You’re going to be safe. Mock and Knave, they’re going to watch over you, okay? And one of Shake’s guys too. Nothing is going to happen to you, I swear.”
His eyes burned into mine, the flames of his conviction searing away any doubts I might have had. It wasn’t myself I’d been worried about. It was him. I’d seen the way Eddie’s men attacked last time, and while we hadn’t lost anyone, we hadn’t exactly had a resounding victory either. The thought of losing Hatter made my stomach knot with worry.
“I need you to come back to me,” I whispered, my voice cracking.
His hand cupped my cheek, his thumb brushing away a tear I hadn’t even realized I’d shed. “I promise,” he murmured. “I’ll come back. I won’t leave you alone. How could I let anything separate me from the woman I love?”
“Swear it,” I insisted, my desperation making me bold.
He looked at me for a long moment, the weight of his gaze like a tangible thing. Then he nodded, his face softened by the love and concern I saw in his eyes.
“I swear it,” he said, his voice thick with emotion. “On my life. I’ll come back to you.”
The world seemed to pause as I weighed his words, the gravity of the situation pressing down on me like a leaden weight. My heart screamed for me to go with him, but my mind knew better. He needed me to be strong, to trust in him and his brothers, to stay put and let them protect me.
“Okay,” I whispered, my voice barely audible even to myself. “I’ll stay.”
“Good girl.” Hatter’s face broke into a smile so fierce it bordered on feral, but there was warmth in it too -- the warmth of love, of hope, of a promise held fast against the storm.