When people describe the golden child, they mean Ford. He’s got the shiny golden blond hair, brilliant blue eyes, a perfect tan, and even, white teeth. Not to mention, he has more charm in his pinky finger than most people do in their whole body.
He’s escaped so much trouble over the years and makes it seem as simple as breathing.
He stares at me now.
“You like them.”
I don’t want to go into that right now. I’m a little scared of how easily I’ve begun to trust them. Not just Alex, that makes sense, but Gabe.
Coming out here has shown me a side of him I’ve never seen before. The more laid-back man who has a sense of humor. And underneath that, the man who was a boy. Hurt. Betrayed?
“Did you ever believe what Grandfather said about Gabriel?”
Ford shakes his head. “Henry was full of hot air. Don’t tell me you still believe him.”
What is it about Ford that let him see through people at such a young age?
God, that could have saved me so much heartache. Why didn’t I pay attention when he was figuring things out and distancing himself?
His answer tells me everything and I feel dumb for holding out hope that my mother really did have my best interests at heart.
I shake my head, the mental cobwebs falling away. “Not anymore.”
“So, what are you going to do? I know you. You’ve got a plan in that head,” he says.
“Me? You’re Mr. Damage Control.” I’m not the one who put glitter in the vents of the headmaster’s Jag. He’s super lucky he knows an excellent detailer.
He smirks.
Behind him, the door opens, and our server steps out with our lunch. He thanks her by name, that trademark Ford smile shining brightly, and even though she’s old enough to be our mother, she’s immediately smitten. Because that’s the Ford Effect.
One hundred percent charm.
I snag a potato chip from his plate, and he shoots me a warning glare. He’s notorious for not sharing his food, so I love to push his buttons.
“So, you were telling me your plan,” he says.
I glance around again. “The plan had been for someone to recognize me and realize I’m perfectly fine. Not kidnapped. And then, you know, the whisper network would take action. But I should have known better. People mind their own business out here. To a certain degree, anyway. I’d have to whip my bra off to get attention.”
“Please don’t do that,” he says around a potato chip, eyes wide.
The thought sends a shudder through me. Talk about feeling exposed.
“I think I’ve had enough scandal for one night.” I poke at my pasta salad because my appetite isn’t what it should be.
I can’t wrap my head around the fact that people honestly think Alex and Gabe kidnapped me.
We eat in comfortable silence. I sneak another chip, and he bats my hand away. “Greedy little monster,” I scold.
“Shoulda ordered your own chips,” he complains.
“I’ll share my pasta salad.”
“If I wanted pasta salad, I would have ordered it,” he says and lifts a chip to his lips, making a show of biting it, enjoying it.