“I don’t think it sounds icky or cliché,” he replies. “Thank you. Those words mean a lot.”
He reaches down and takes hold of my hand. I don’t pull away because I simply don’t want to. There’s no one here for us to perform for now, but I don’t care. He has large hands with long fingers that completely envelope mine. They’re warm and strong, and I like how they feel.
Just as much as I liked the kiss that he gave me earlier. I don’t know if Alex had planned that, and at first, I thought it was for Jack’s benefit. But as his lips caressed mine, something sparked within me. I felt my heart jump, a tingling sensation ran through my entire body, and lost in the moment, I hardly cared that there were other people sitting at the table with us.
Afterwards, we’d gazed at each other, and I know I wasn’t the only one feeling the sparks that danced between us. Clearly, as he holds my hand now, something more has come from this originally fake relationship, and I can honestly say I’m excited to see where this might lead.
Astrid was right, as usual. There’s nothing stopping us from giving this a chance. We’re both adults. Sure, it’s a little scary. I haven’t been in a relationship for a long time, but Alex has done absolutely nothing to warrant my hesitation.
Surely, we both deserve happiness.
“I know this wasn’t what we planned,” he begins, gazing down at our entwined hands, “and I don’t know how you feel about us going forward. But these last few weeks have opened a door for me, Dara. A door I thought was closed for good.”
Cindy had really done a number on him. I can’t blame him for not wanting to get involved with someone again.
He looks down at me. “What do you say? Would you like to give it a go?”
I smile up at him and nod. “I would.”
He smiles back, his eyes sparkling. “You’ve been amazing, do you know that? And tonight, you couldn’t have done anymore. Thank you for everything. In fact, I want you to take tomorrow off. You’ve earned it.”
He nods.
“Thank you. And I’m glad your plan worked and that Jack is going to partner with you.”
“Me too. But tonight meant much more than that to me. It didn’t at the beginning, when we first started all this. But I’ve come to realize how important you really are. I don’t want you to be in my life just as my chef. I want much more than that.”
“Me too,” I breathe.
He lowers his head and, with a smile on his lips, brushes his mouth against mine. Those tingles return and rush across my body, my heart thumps against my ribcage, and I lose myself in his embrace.
If this was an animated movie, there’d be fireworks going off in front of us because that’s how alive his kiss makes me feel. Like I’m on fire, like I could explode with happiness.
After everything that has happened between us, this is the cherry on the metaphorical sundae, and I suppose, it makes all the lies I’ve told worthwhile. Now I won’t have to pretend any longer. Sure, we won’t really be engaged, but maybe we can work something out so that if that happens—When that happens?—no one needs to find out they were lied to.
When it’s time for me to leave, I float to my car in a bubble, feeling as light as a feather. Alex remains standing at his front door, and when I turn, he smiles at me and lifts a hand.
“Drive safely.” He smirks. “I know you have such a long journey.”
“Haha. You’re a funny guy,” I quip back before climbing into my car.
I’m still smiling as I drive away, and checking my rear-view mirror, Alex remains at his door until I’m completely out of sight.
It’s weird not having Dara here this morning, and now I’m beginning to regret giving her the day off. Not that she doesn’t deserve it. It’s just the house doesn’t feel the same without her.
She needs a break though. She worked hard last night, and not only managed to produce a fantastic meal but also played her part well. That was no easy task. I know I couldn’t have done it. But then, like she told me several weeks ago, she thrives under stress.
Jack’s already emailed me this morning. Ordinarily, I don’t reply to messages or emails on the weekend. It’s a boundary thing. If Cindy taught me anything, it was to be wiser with my time. My work should not dictate my life.
But this deal is different, so I reply to his kind words thanking me and Dara for a lovely evening.
The worst is over. The contract is in the bag, which means that Happy Teach, the charity Dara’s parents run, will be secure for several more years. It’s a relief, and I feel it soak through me. I went to a lot of trouble for this, and I can’t put into words how happy I am that all my efforts—or should I say, our efforts, paid off.