Admittedly, I am punching way above my weight.

But still, after the initial yuck factor, I had fun. It’s the first time I’ve seen Alex relaxed. He always seems so stiff and in control and rigid. Tonight, I saw a softer side of him. And yes, I will admit, I liked it.

When he lingered at my door this evening, I was certain he wanted me to invite him in. I nearly did, too, but then I chickened out. Instead, when I heard the engine of his car roar away, I dug out my cell and called Astrid.

“When’s the wedding?” she says, when she answers the phone.

“Good lord, that didn’t take long,” I gasp.

Astrid laughs. “Beth gave me a call as soon as she finished her shift. She was here yesterday to pick up a tonic and was surprised I hadn’t mentioned anything. Of course, I had to play dumb.”

“What did you say?” I ask, dropping my bag onto the table while I put the coffee machine on.

“Oh, that you wanted to tell people yourself,” Astrid continues, “and that I was to keep quiet until you got a chance.”

“That was quick thinking.”

“It’s my witchy reflexes,” she replies, the smile evident in her voice. “To tell you the truth, I was half expecting it. After you told me the other day that you guys were going out as a couple tonight, I knew someone was going to call.”

“Or maybe you’re just psychic.”

“Yes, I like that idea far better. Let’s go with that.”

I laugh, and I hear Astrid giggle with me.

“How was it?” she asks. “Was it as tough as you thought?”

“Worse,” I reply. “I know it’s all for a good cause, but lying to people I’ve grown up with was just awful.”

“I can imagine,” Astrid says sympathetically. “But you’re right. It is for a good cause, and maybe that’s the way you’ll get through this. You need to keep what your parents are doing at the forefront of your mind. They work hard, Dara.”

“I know. And that’s not a bad idea.”

We chat for another half an hour, and then we say our farewells. I feel better after talking to Astrid, but then, I always feel better after talking to Astrid. It must be the witchy spell she casts over me.

I had a refreshingly long lie-in this morning, and slipping out of my bed sometime after nine o’clock, I nearly feel guilty. But hey, my boss/fake fiancé doesn’t need me until lunch, so I’m taking advantage of it. When I say taking advantage, I mean I do my laundry, clean my kitchen, and vacuum and dust. Go me, living life on the edge.

Arriving at Alex’s house at eleven o’clock, I slip the key into the lock. “Hey honey, I’m home,” I joke.

But as I walk farther into the house, I hear him talking to someone, and he does not sound happy.

“I have done more than enough,” he barks. “More than is deserved, under the circumstances.”

I follow the sound, expecting to see someone else in the house, but then I see the phone in his hand, and Alex pacing back and forth with a face like thunder.

Maybe I should make myself scarce, but before I get a chance, he turns and catches me looking. I raise a tentative hand. He nods a curt greeting, and then turns his back to me once more.

“There will be no increase,” he barks again.

Yep. Time I beat it.

I head straight into the kitchen and get to work, but the conversation is so loud, I can’t help but overhear snippets. Clearly, Alex is getting frustrated, and from what I can tell, it’s something to do with someone’s lawyer and more money.

Maybe someone has taken a lawsuit out against him.

It’s none of your business.

No, it’s not, and so instead, I begin singing to myself as I work to try and drown out any further chance of listening.