
This may well be the craziest thing I’ve ever done, and I will admit, I’ve done some crazy stuff in my lifetime, I can tell you. But buying a large Georgian-style house in the middle of nowhere is nuts even for me. There is a perfectly good reason for doing so, even if my colleagues think I’ve gone completely mad.

At least it’ll be an investment when this is all over. Well, that’s what I’m telling myself.

For the last six months, I’ve been jumping through hoops to try and nail this partnership. Spire Healthcare is a pretty conservative company. They’re all about family values. The importance of the family unit is dotted all the way through their ethos. The thing is, they’re also pretty progressive, and by their numbers, they’re only going up, which is why I’m so interested in bringing them on board with my private clinic.

Besides, even though I don’t have a family—well, not anymore—I like the way the company is run. Which is why I’ve just spent far too much money on a good-sized family home on the outskirts of a small town that I’ll hardly ever use when the deal is done.

That’s okay, though. If—or should I say, when—they partner with my company, because I’m determined to make that happen, the deal will be worth millions. So, a couple of hundred grand for a house in the middle of nowhere seems like a steal in comparison.

The thing is, I’m a single man living in a high-end apartment in the most expensive part of the city. The apartment is nearly as clinical as my operating room, partly because I’m hardly there, partly because I like the minimalist look. There’s no need for so much stuff.

Unfortunately for me, my situation is about as opposite to Spire Healthcare’s ethos as possible, and thus, I’ve been forced to become a little creative. Is it a lie? Sort of. Is it one I can live with? Indeed, it is.

Sitting in a greasy spoon in Riverdale, I’m currently taking in the view from the window. Riverdale is a typical small town, nothing exciting or special about it. I chose this as the location to buy my house because my best friend, Mark, lives here, and he’s always going on about what a great place it is to live.

While he loves the country life, never in my wildest dreams had I imagined that all his praise of the town would make any difference to me. He hates the city, and I’m not super keen on the country, but we sacrifice those little quirks of ours when we visit each other.

My order has been taken, and while I wait, I ring him. He’s overseas, but he should be awake by now.

“Hey, Alex,” Mark says when he answers. “How’s things?”

“Good. I’m in your hometown right now,” I reply.

“You’re moved already? Wow, that was quick.”

“Sorry, man,” I say with slight sarcasm. “I couldn’t wait for you to get back.”

Mark chuckles. “No, and besides, you’d be waiting a while. I’ll be out here for another month or so yet, maybe longer. I haven’t decided.”

“How is it out there?”

“Hot,” Marks says. I can hear the smile in his voice. “I don’t know how Mom and Dad stick living here. But at least we have air conditioning.”

“You are in Africa, you know.”

“Really?” Mark comes back sarcastically. “And I thought it was the Antarctic.”

The waitress is on her way over with my plate, and I cut the call short. “My lunch is arriving. We’ll talk again soon.”

“Any time,” Mark replies, and then I end the call.

“There you go, sir,” the waitress says, placing the plate in front of me with a smile. “Can I get you anything else?”

By the tag on her red uniform, I know her name is Beth. She’s pretty, with mousy-blonde hair framing a round face. She’s a few years younger than me, I reckon about mid-twenties. Beth is looking at me, fluttering her lashes and giving me her best goo-goo eyes.

Sorry, sweetheart. Not interested.

“No,” I shake my head, “I’m good. Thanks.”

“All right. Well, let me know if you change your mind.” She smiles at me again, her gaze lingering before she walks away.

I’m used to the attention from the ladies. It has something to do with the fact that many of them like the tall, dark, handsome type with a little bit of broodiness and emotional damaged thrown in for good measure. I fit the bill on all counts. While I keep my black hair pretty short, I sport a full moustache and beard, which also seems to have them weak at the knees.

But I did the relationship thing, and I came away with more scarring than a patient with third-degree burns. So, that won’t be happening again. Now, I’m putting all my energy into my business. A business I’ve organically grown, and, a business that is currently thriving.