“Well, the kids are maniacs, but that’s nothing new. And Cathy can’t decide if she wants to throttle me for wanting three of them, or whether she wants to pack up and move to Alaska.”
Mike chuckles down the phone at his own wit, and I can’t stop myself from laughing at him. Like I said, he’s far more easygoing than I am.
“So, what’s new with you?” He continues. “How’s work? How’s the big house in the country? Did you find yourself a cowgirl yet?”
“Funny you should say that,” I begin.
“No? Have you really?” he exclaims.
I can nearly imagine him shifting in his large armchair with excitement.
“Are you crazy? Of course not.”
“Oh,” he says, sounding utterly disappointed.
“You know how I feel, Mike. I’m not going to change my mind.”
“Well, you’re a fool,” he replies, huffing in frustration.
“No. If I remember, I was a fool the first time. What’s that saying? Once bitten twice shy.”
“You can’t tar all women with the same brush just because of what Cindy did to you, Al. That’s the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard. And you’re not a stupid man.”
“I certainly felt like I was for a while there. Anyway,” I say, changing my tone to something a little lighter, “I didn’t call you up to talk about my ex-wife. I have a situation and I need your little gray cells to help me out.”
“Shoot,” he says.
That’s what I love about my brother. He would drop everything and be here in a heartbeat if I needed him. We were always close, even with our many differences. There were only the two of us growing up, so when we weren’t trying to kill each other, we were best buddies. Siblings, eh? But I’m lucky to have him as a brother.
“So, I’m trying to get things in place,” I begin.
Mike knows all about my plans. When I told him what I was doing and why, he was fully on board with the idea and thought it was great.
“I have the house, but I don’t have the family to go with it. Jack Norton was on the phone this afternoon wanting to organize a meeting, and I’m trying to put him off while I figure this out. Any ideas?”
“You can have mine,” Mike says dryly.
I shake my head. “I don’t think so. I’m desperate, but not that desperate. I need the house to still be standing when the meeting is over.”
Mike chuckles. “You know I’d never be able to guarantee that.”
“Exactly. Any other options?”
“You should hire a girlfriend for the night,” he teases. “I mean, what’s the worst that could happen? Whoever she is, she couldn’t possibly be any worse than your last relationship.”
“Thanks for that,” I reply dryly.
“Always a pleasure, brother. If I’m honest, I don’t know what you’re going to do. Could you put some toys about the place and tell them that the wife and kids are away for the weekend or something?”
That’s an option, I suppose. At the moment, it’s the best option I’ve got.
“I’ve been so busy concentrating on getting the house ready that this little detail of having a family has fallen to the wayside.”
“I don’t know, Al. I think you’re overthinking it. Get them to the house. Tell them the wife and kids are away, and get the meeting done. I can’t see any other way you can do it, unless you grab the first girl you see and ask her to marry you.”
I nod. “Yes. I suppose you’re right.”
“So, when do we get to come and see this new house of yours?” Mike asks, now we’ve confirmed that I don’t have a lot of choices.