Milly is an excitable person at the best of times, and her lack of response was so out of character. I mean, what I had told her was pretty darn shocking. As my mind searched for a reason, I came to the only conclusion that made any sense.
“You knew,” I said.
My closest friend dropped her gaze for a split second and then looked sadly back at me and nodded.
“But, why—?”
“I only discovered it about six months after Troy left,” she cut me off. “We were on a call, and I mentioned your name a few times. He asked me not to, then told me what had happened. I’ll admit, I was angry at the time. But years passed, and the anger faded. Honestly, Charlie, I just thought it was for the best. More than that, it wasn’t my place to tell you.”
“But you’re my best friend.”
“And Troy is my brother, and your father is… well, your father. I had no right to repeat something that I wasn’t involved in. I’m sorry if that makes you angry with me. But as geeky and nuts as I can be at times, my principles are really important to me.”
I know that to be true. Milly has always been super ethical. It’s one of the reasons I love her. How could I now hold that against her? She was right. It wasn’t her story to tell.
“What has Troy said?” Milly asked.
I shook my head. “I haven’t spoken to him since yesterday.”
Milly frowned. “And he hasn’t noticed?”
“Oh, he’s noticed,” I replied. “He’s sent me texts; he’s tried to call; he even came to the house. I couldn’t face him. I know that probably sounds childish, but I’m just so devastated.”
“It doesn’t sound childish at all,” Milly said sadly. “He hurt you badly once before. You’re only trying to protect yourself.”
Milly knows me too well.
I sniffled and wiped my nose with a tissue I had tucked in my purse. “I just don’t know why he didn’t tell me the truth when I asked him.”
Milly shook her head. “Me either. It’s not like him. But whatever his reasons, he was still wrong to lie to you.”
Neither of us spoke for a long time, and then I heard Milly taking a deep breath. “So, is it over?” she asked tentatively. “Is there no coming back from this?”
The truth was, I didn’t fully know the answer to that question. Dad’s rendition of what happened ten years ago hadn’t exactly filled me with confidence. Apart from the lies, Troy didn’t even try to fight for me. He didn’t want to change for me, either. I can understand that last part. In my eyes, there was nothing to change. But to just walk away without a word?
And now he has come back, ready to start a whole new chapter of his life, and he just picks me up along the way. I know it’s not as clear-cut as that, but if he really wants this relationship, if he really loves me, why did he lie? It’s the lie I can’t get past.
When I dropped Milly off later, she gave me a huge, caring hug and told me she loved me. She also assured me that if Troy contacted her, she wouldn’t breathe a word.
“If that story wasn’t mine to tell all those years ago, then neither is this one.”
* * *
I had to force myself to go to work today. Not for Troy, but another client. I’m afraid that Troy is going to have to find another person to decorate his precious restaurant. I just can’t do it. It was difficult to put on a façade for the other client, but I reminded myself that this was my business, and I couldn’t let a little thing like a broken heart ruin that.
I’ve barely noticed whether Troy’s truck has been in his driveway the last couple of days, but when I get home, I see it isn’t there, and relief floods through me. I’ve managed to avoid him so far, but how long that’s going to last, I don’t know.
I’m standing at the kitchen window watching the rain hammer down onto the backyard when a sudden thumping on my front door makes me jump out of my skin. With my heart pumping a little too fast, I look down the hallway and see a looming shadow through the frosted glass. I know who it is, but I’m not going to answer.
I watch his arm lift again.
Thump. Thump. Thump.
“I know you’re in there, Charlie. I know you can hear me. I’m not leaving until you speak to me. If I have to stand out here all night, I will.”
I know Troy Heaton is stubborn. I also know he means every word.
Darn it.