She doesn’t say anything for the longest time. The waiting feels like torture, but I can’t push it. After what she’s experienced, I want her to be sure. I can wait. I’m not going anywhere.
“Okay,” she says in a light and easy tone.
I’ll be honest, I nearly fall off the step. “Really?”
She smiles up at me again. “Really.”
“Are you sure this is what you want?”
“Are you trying to change my mind?” she counters with a smirk.
“No. No. Not at all,” I say hurriedly. “I like your first answer just fine.”
I’m still holding her hand, but it’s like I’ve forgotten about that. Maybe because it just feels so natural, or maybe because my mind has been occupied by this intense conversation. I lift my free hand to her cheek and gently turn her to face me.
“Can I ask you another question?” I say. My throat seems to have tightened, and my voice sounds far deeper.
Charlie doesn’t speak this time; she only nods.
“Would you mind if I kissed you?”
She shakes her head.
I don’t give her a chance to change her mind, though I can see by the desire in her eyes that she won’t. Bending my head toward her, I bring my mouth to hers.
Her soft lips tenderly brush against mine, sending a delightful tingle across my body. My heart thumps out of my chest as our mouths move together. I’m even more ecstatic when she parts her lips and our tongues connect. It’s been a long time, and I can’t remember her tasting this sweet.
Charlie places her hand on my arm and pulls me in closer, showing me she’s feeling as intoxicated as I am. But as wonderful as this feeling is, I need to stop before I lose myself completely in this woman’s affection.
When I finally pull away, Charlie’s eyes are still closed, and she lets out this soft breath of what I assume is pleasure. If she’s feeling anything like I am at this moment, she’s floating. It’s a sensation I want to feel again, but for now, I need to be careful. One step at a time.
Besides, I don’t want to be the cliché guy who happens to be there when the girl is upset and takes advantage of that. Instead, as hard as my heart is still thumping, I need to be here for Charlie.
An idea suddenly pops into my mind. “Hey. Do you want to come and see the restaurant?”
She beams a huge smile and nods. “I’d love to come and see the restaurant.”
As embarrassed as I felt at first, I’m still glad Troy came over to see how I was. He always did have a wonderful way of cheering me up with his wit and light humor.
My tears were more from frustration than anything else. I thought I’d managed to rid my life of Eddy Crowley. The audacity of the man to show up on my doorstep after everything he put me through—as well as his blatant lack of awareness that he had done anything wrong—frustrated the heck out of me.
I’m now standing in my bathroom, gazing at the reflection of the woman looking back at me. A lot has changed in ten years. I’m not the same girl Troy left behind. He wants to try again, and I can’t deny that I want it too. There is a part of me that’s scared, but that’s normal, right?
I mean, apart from the fact that Troy up and left without a word, I haven’t been in a relationship in over three years. I’ve gotten used to enjoying my own company, doing things without having to consider another person, living my own life on my own terms. Am I ready to give all that up?
Hearing about Troy’s return perturbed me, but over these last few weeks, he’s re-lit a fire in me. A fire I thought had been reduced to ashes a long time ago. But he’s returned with fresh kindling, and the sparks are flying. I take a deep breath in and then turn to the bathroom door. Troy is waiting for me in his truck, so, I suppose I should get a move on.
We travel through town to Troy’s new restaurant. I know where it is. I went there as a kid when it was still called Joey’s. But while I’m busy pretending to look out the window as we drive, my mind has wandered back to that tender kiss Troy gave me on the back porch, and the mere memory of it has butterflies doing the samba in my stomach.
It was wholly unexpected, but when he asked, I didn’t refuse. I didn’t want to. My defenses have slowly waned, and while my wall isn’t fully decimated, it’s now only three bricks high. But then, Troy could always put me at ease. I swore I wouldn’t let him back in, but even I have to admit that he’s not the same guy who left.
He’s more like the guy he was before but more mature. I’ll admit, I don’t think I ever knew the guy who left without telling me. I’ve never tried to find out. Is it worth digging that up now, after all this time?
No. Leave it alone. You were kids.