“And now?”
“Now, I’m struggling to deal with my emotions.”
My life was easier before Troy turned up. Now, everything is upside-down and back to front, and I don’t know which direction I’m going in.
Time has flown by since my arrival back. I’ve just been so busy trying to set the restaurant up and deal with all the paperwork that comes with it. I hired a sous chef ready to start working as soon as I get up and running, and I’m already advertising for waiting staff.
Because of all that, my grandmother’s birthday celebrations have completely slipped my mind, which is the very reason why Milly is currently standing in my kitchen.
“How could you forget?” she demands, throwing out an expressive gesture.
“I haven’t exactly been sitting here twiddling my thumbs, Titch. I’ve been busy.”
“You haven’t seen her in ten years, Troy.”
“Have I said I’m not going?” I point out. “No. I simply forgot.” I grin at her. “Which is why I have such a great little sister to remind me of these things.”
She gives me a wry smile and shakes her head. “How is everything going with the restaurant, by the way?” she asks.
“Great. I’m getting staff on board, the cleaners have done a fantastic job, and there’s a whole load of deliveries arriving next week. It’s really starting to take shape.” I beam at her.
She smiles back with delight. “You’re getting excited.”
“I’ve been excited since I decided to do it, but yes. It’s beginning to feel more real.”
“I’m glad you’re happy, Troy. Truly, I am.”
We talk about the restaurant for some time afterward until Milly announces her departure.
“So, I’ll see you at Grandma’s on Saturday at two o’clock?”
“I’ll be there.” I smile.
“Oh,” she says as she’s stepping out the door, “just one more thing. Grandma now thinks you and Charlie are back together. She’s looking forward to seeing her on Saturday.”
“What?!” I blurt.
The smile falls from her face at my reaction, which it should; at this very second, I’m furious.
“And how the devil did she get that idea?” I demand.
“It’s only one birthday party,” Milly tries to reason with me. “Can you not just pretend for her?”
I’m so shocked at my sister’s blasé attitude that I can hardly think, let alone speak. The birthday party was already going to be trying, having to meet and greet all my relatives again all at once. Now, I’m supposed to pretend I’m back with the woman whose heart I broke?
“Does Charlie know?” I ask as the thought occurs to me.
Milly looks a little timid. It’s not an expression I see from her often. She shakes her head.
“Right.” Taking her by the arm, I march her out to my driveway.
“What are you doing?” she says, trying to pull away.