Page 69 of Born To Be Bad

“Agreed. And it’s recurring. When I’m feeling meek I pretend I’m Becks. Or, at least, I ask myself What Would Becks Do? You know, like the bracelet. WWJD?”

“I have no idea.”

She nods. “Probably for the best. But it worked. I felt more in control, I did things—and said things—that I would never have tried on my own.”

Okay, that’s pretty hot, too.

The handsome couple next to us begin kissing in earnest. The man slides the thin strap of her dress off her shoulder and nuzzles it. His hand disappears under the table. Across the room, I see a woman shriek with laughter and then take her top off and give it to her friend who gleefully thrusts it in the air, celebrating like she has won a prize. Perhaps she has.

“What was the best thing you did to her?” I ask.

“Make her come,” Ivy replies. “I loved it.”

I take a second to respond. An odd mixture of envy, jealousy, and carnal desire whirl through me. “Tell me about it,” I say. I’m surprised Ivy is being so candid about it, and I want to hear every detail.

“You were there,” she reminds me. “You probably remember it better than I do. You know, with my sexual amnesia. And my personality disorder.”

I know she’s joking, but my cock is making it difficult to appreciate humor right now. “Tell me what you remember.” I’m still gripping her shoe as if my life depends on it.

Ivy stops smiling. “I started kissing her. I shoved my hand into her bikini bottom. A tiny bit rough, you know, like you do it.”

“She liked that,” I remember out loud.

“She was so wet, Alistair,” Ivy says, making me moan inwardly. “She was so fucking wet. I didn’t even need lube, there was so much of it. In my head I thought one finger first, but she was so warm and juicy I started with two fingers and kept adding until I felt she was full.”

“Your whole hand was inside her,” I say.

Ivy nods. “It was a bit shocking for my first time, but I was so horny I just loved it. It felt amazing. And the way she was moaning … I knew it was good for her, too, having my hand in there to touch all the good spots at once. She started thrusting her hips, started fucking my fist, and then she came.”

“For the first time,” I say.

“I kept my fist in there, hardly moving it, and started sucking her clit. She came again.”


Ivy takes a sip. “She passed me the other dildo, the huge one, and I got a bit nervous again. I didn’t want to hurt her. I pumped so much lube on it, made sure it was as slick as anything. I got her on her hands and knees and sat between her thighs, licking her pussy.”

I had seen Ivy’s tongue darting in and out of Freya’s hole and it had almost sent me over the edge.

“She was close to coming again,” says Ivy. “I wanted to make it happen. I wanted to fuck her.”

Okay, I was going to need a second if Ivy was going to carry on like this. Jesus.

“She was really wet and open, but I didn’t want to hurt her with that giant fucking dildo, so I took it really slowly. I just used the tip while I licked her clit.”

“You took your time,” I say.

“I took forever getting it in, not sure if she could handle it, but soon she was thrusting again and taking in the whole thing so I went along with it. Soon I was fucking her, hard and fast, my hand rubbing her clit, and I felt her pussy clenching the dildo. I kept going and she screamed when she came again.”

I run my hand up and down her shin.“I would never have said that it was your first time. You were amazing.”

Ivy ignores the compliment. “I thought she would have had enough by then, but then she called you over. I was glad about that. By then I was desperate for you. In a way it was all foreplay, all preparation for when you joined us. It was for me, anyway.”

That made me feel less jealous. I scanned the room and saw the couple next to us still making out, the topless woman was now surrounded by other women in various states of undress, and the barman was wearing a tutu with nothing beneath it, if the various mirrors behind him were to be believed.

“This is unlike you,” I say. “To speak so freely. Hardly a blush on your cheeks.”

“I feel liberated,” Ivy says, shaking her hair. Her tiara remains in place. “I think it’s the tropical air. Let’s take advantage of it.”