The combination of pleasant weather, music, the illusion of watching a potential romantic will they won’t they moment, and decent wine at a reduced price made for a busy sales day.

“Luna,” said an unfamiliar voice. A woman had moved in next to me. During a brief break in the stream of customers, I’d used the time to replace books in the coffee shop that had sold in a matter of minutes after the performance ended. I hadn’t noticed the woman’s approach.

The Asian woman’s face brightened when I turned to face her and attempted to place her since she’d addressed me with such familiarity. I couldn’t. Midnight hair pulled back from her face and crescent-shape eyes that held the same spark Madeline’s had. The spark of astute wisdom, but it was beyond the years of the twenty-something-year-old woman in front of me.

“Yes?” I asked.

Flashing me a marking of a broken circle, three vertical lines with the ends curving in three different directions on the inner side of her wrist, she leaned into me. “Thank you. It’s only a matter of time.”

I debated whether to reveal that I had no idea what she was talking about or pretend that I did. Which would yield more information?

“Matter of time?”

“Luna, you released the only people who have a chance against the Conventicle. Get rid of them, and we will be relieved of our restraints. We’ll become the power brokers no longer restricted by their rules and mandates.” She shook her head. “Why should we live in fear of being discovered by humans? They should know of our existence and…” She trailed off.

I guessed she was going to say something along the lines of “bow down to our power,” “quiver in fear of our greatness,” or “revere us like gods.” Whether she said it or not, the portentous intentions were there in the set of her jaw, the chilliness of her eyes, and the raw malice of her words.

“I didn’t do it intentionally,” I blurted, not wanting to stake a claim on the hot mess, even if she did view it favorably.

Based on the reverent way she looked at me, it didn’t matter. I was the initiator. A means to the end of restrictions. Did she not see the hypocrisy in venerating a human, whom she hoped to subjugate with her power and magical ability? Frustrated, I was about to point that out when she took hold of my arm—based on her expression, more aggressively than intended. She relaxed the pressure and I put a little distance between us.

Quickly I scanned the café for Anand, expecting him to show up. Wasn’t this the reason he shadowed me, to prevent situations like this? Or perhaps she’d used magic to elude him. Not being completely sure how things worked in this world just complicated things.

“You can’t align yourself with Dominic,” she told me in a rough whisper. “He’s using you to recapture the prisoners.” She searched my face for some form of feedback. “We can’t let that happen. Change is necessary.” She took a step toward me and I moved back again, keeping distance between us, leery of the desperation on her face.

“I want the same thing as he does,” I told her. She wouldn’t get false hope from me or the idea that I was an ally.

“No, you don’t,” she snapped, closing the distance between us again and taking a firm hold on my arm.

“Look…” I waited for her to give me a name.


“I know this is a cause you believe in, but can you truly expect me as a human to get involved? I just want my life back.”

Desperation and determination overtook her features. Her unyielding eyes held mine.

“You are being foolish and naïve,” she chastised.

Not winning me over, Rei.

Despite the rise in her voice and her aggressive posturing, we seemed to go unnoticed by the people in the coffee shop. I suspected magic was involved in keeping us unnoticed. The supernaturals’ use of magic against humans didn’t seem to be regulated enough. Or perhaps Rei was an exception, not the norm. I knew that the Awakeners bucked against the rules, pushing the limits and only stopping when caught and punished. Rei might have been a rogue among them, exhibiting no restraint with her magic.

“Whether you’ve misunderstood your role in this or not, you have done something great. I won’t let you withdraw your help.” Her voice had warmed, but it didn’t belie her threat.

“Let me?”

She looked around; I felt the shift in the energy. Was she about to use magic on me or force me to go with her? I eased my hand closer to one of the candles on the shelf, preparing to use it as a weapon if necessary, watching the effort she put into calming herself.

“My apologies.” It didn’t sound like an apology, but a concession. She’d play nice because she had to. “Please allow me a chance to present my side—our side.”

I thought she’d taken my silence as a tacit agreement when she retreated and slipped away. Then I caught sight of Jackson approaching. Great.

I shrugged at Emoni, who had pulled her attention from the woman she was speaking to long enough to shoot furtive death glares at Jackson’s back.

I grinned at her. “I got this,” I mouthed.