Page 89 of Blinded By Love


“You know how hard it is, not touching you like I want to, princess,” I say before taking her lips again.

My hand makes its way to her breast and I lightly trace her nipple. She shivers and presses her chest against my hands more.

At this point, I’m basically fucking her with my tongue while she’s grinding her hips against mine. I run my thumb over her nipple, caressing the skin around it while she continues to move her hips on mine.

“You’re distracting me,” she sighs into my mouth and I can’t help but laugh because that’s what she’s thinking while we are doing this.

“It’s a great distraction.”

Before I can keep pleasuring her with my mouth, a knock on the door makes Jaclyn move her lips off mine.

I can’t help but admire what I did to her. Her lips are plumps and her eyes are filled with lust. Her cheeks are bright red as her chest heaves up and down while looking at the door.

“Night. Are you ready?”

“Yea,” I yell while still keeping my eyes on her.

Jaclyn looks at me with a guilty look in her eyes. “Sorry. I didn’t know-”

I cut her off by kissing her again, she moans in my mouth softly before I let go of her and move her so she is sitting on the couch.

Now I have to focus on something else other than her to get my head straight for this fight.



I’ve never liked being dependent on someone.

I’ve never liked the feeling of wanting to be in someone’s presence like I feel with Hayden. Liking someone or even loving someone has always been scary for me ever since the situation with my dad happened.

After I got diabetes, things went even more downhill with my dad and my mom and I changed.

I hated saying that four letter word to my mom even though I do love her. I hated when she gave me attention but at the same time I craved it when she was proud of me and recognized my accomplishments.

With Hayden, it’s been different.

With him I feel like I can breathe and not worry about a single thing in the world. He makes it easy to feel free and like the outside world is okay.

I crave his touch like I never did with anyone before. His pretty words are what I look forward to everyday because he always compliments my hair or an outfit that I’m wearing.

As I'm looking in the mirror I am thinking over his words while trying to figure out if this is what I should wear.

Hayden invited me to go out with him tonight, it’s technically our first date since Natalia and the boys won’t be with us. I came home to pink peonies on my bed with a note saying he is going to pick me up at eight tonight. I blushed when I saw the flowers because I love it when Hayden gets me flowers.

I keep every single flower in a shoe box under my bed. He has given me a lot of flowers since his birthday and they are mostly various pink flowers. I have never gotten so many flowers in my life and I can’t help but smile and thrust my head into a pillow as I scream.

With Hayden, the little girl comes out of me and I can’t help but love it.

Because that little girl that my dad ruined, Hayden somehow is bringing her back.

My phone on my bed buzzes, making me look at the screen.

Come out princess.

I grab my phone and bag, give myself another once over in the mirror before leaving my room.