No one ever told me that watching a fight happen, a brutal one where they don’t show any mercy or humanity, would send adrenaline straight to my veins.
I think everyone in the club feels the same way because how they yell “Night!” as he enters the cage is unlike anything I have ever seen.
This is my second time attending a fight and it’s only because Natalia begged me to come since she didn’t want to come alone. Chris is here but Natalia says he is always too busy talking to Kayden about the fight. Max is somewhere dancing his little heart out in the club while the four of us are just watching Hayden enter the cage as if he is a god.
“Who’s fucking ready?” a guy in a black suit yells in a microphone as Hayden and the other fighter come face to face. Everyone cheers and yells. Natalia screams Hayden’s name, being his number one supporter. “We have the one and only, Hayden Night! And against him is Gareth Johnson!”
The guy in the black suit talks to Hayden and Gareth in a hushed tone, talking about the rules while Hayden looks around the club, not caring per usual.
When Hayden’s eyes go to me he smirks. My cheeks can’t help but heat up and I look away from him and instead look at Natalia who is beaming at her brother.
It’s like we share some dirty secret that no one knows but us and it gets me excited.
“He is totally going to win. He always does,” Natalia says to me.
“How many of these fights does he do in a week?”
“It depends on him and his agent. Sometimes he doesn’t do any fights in a week and other times he does one every single night.”
“Illegal fighters have agents?” I almost laugh because that’s ridiculous.
“Yea. They need to find people to have a match with them. They also need to make sure the fight will bring in money for the club. Hayden’s agent owns this club so if anything, his agent is paying Hayden a ton of money for bringing in so many customers.”
“How long has he been fighting for?” I ask, can’t help but feel curious about Hayden and his past with illegal fighting.
“Since high school. When Hayden got taken in by my father and mother, he showed up to a family friend's gym in the middle of the night all bloodied.
“Hayden’s adopted?” I ask.
He doesn’t call his parents by mom or dad, Hayden mentioned the Night’s taking him in, and now Natalia mentions how he showed up at Carter’s friends gym in the middle of the night as a kid.
“Yea. They see him as their actual child though since they have gone through so much with him. Hayden has given my mom and dad hell throughout the years but they still love him unconditionally. I was always jealous of how much attention they paid to Hayden but I know they did that because he needed it,” Natalia says as she watches her brother in the ring. I look at Hayden who is staring at his opponent with a serious look on his face. He looks like he is ready to kill. “Come with me to get a drink before the fight starts.” I look away from Hayden and look at Natalia.
“I’ll wait here. I don’t want to miss anything, plus I don’t think a drink is a good idea.”
“No come with me, please. I don’t want to leave you here,” Natalia begs and I nod my head.
It’s probably a good idea to stay with her anyways.
Natalia and I walk through the crowd of people who are eager to get a closer look at Hayden.
They are still going over the rules so we have enough time to get a quick drink.
I wait near the bar while Natalia asks the bartender for a drink. Chris and Kayden are sitting at the bar watching Natalia and me while talking to one another. They are watching the fight from the bar because Kayden told me he hates how crowded it gets.
Once Natalia gets her drink we walk back into the crowd of people and go to the front, pushing our way past everyone. People curse at us and call us vulgar names but we ignore them, Natalia ends up flipping someone the bird which makes me laugh.
I look up at the cage at the same time I see Hayden throw a harsh punch to Gareth’s face. Everyone cheers for Hayden as he pummels Gareth against the cage.
Gareth grunts and puts his defense up while trying to block Hayden’s punches. Hayden ends up throwing Gareth on the floor and kicking him in the stomach before straddling Gareth and aiming punches at his face non-stop.
Everyone is cheering for Hayden and Natalia is yelling his name. Seeing his muscles bulge with each punch sends a shiver down my spine and I take a deep breath to calm down the adrenaline that is running through my veins.
Gareth bucks his hips and gets Hayden off of him before throwing a punch to Hayden’s jaw. I can hear Hayden hiss making me wince and grab onto the cage, anxious for Hayden to focus and get his head back in the game.
“He’s good, isn’t he?” I look to my right and see a guy watching the two fighters in the cage. He has a drink in his hand and the soft smile on his face almost looks terrifying. “I’ve been friends with Night since freshman year.”