The boots of her heels clicked on the stoned pathway that led her to her house, she hid the page back into her satchel and found Isaiah and Leilani standing outside, conversing with one another as he fixed his cuff links.
Davina quickly cleared her face of any remnants of her yearning for Ron before faking a smile as she approached them. “What are you guys doing out here?”
Leilani had her hands over her hips as Isaiah observed Davina’s damp clothes.
“The real question is where were you, D?” Leilani asked as she lifted a brow. Davina was able to glimpse Leilani’s emerald nightgown under her bulky green robe.
Her tone was sharp. They hadn’t spoken much since she had tried to warn her of Sadoc and when Davina almost melted his face off.
Davina looked between Leilani and Isaiah’s serious look. “I felt nostalgic, so I went to visit my old home in Auris but suddenly it started to rain.”
She wasn’t lying. She missed her old home.
Isaiah hummed as he nodded. Davina sent him another forced grin. “Isaiah, it’s late. Is it wise for you to be seen at my house at this hour?”
Isaiah chuckled. “I am here to commence your birthday celebration. You only have an eighteenth birthday once.”
“At midnight?” Davina asked.
“Today is special. I felt it in my obligation to make it even more spectacular for you. I’ll have you back home before sunrise and we can start again after a good eight-hour sleep.” Isaiah grinned. “Come with me.”
Davina was sure that Isaiah had good intentions, but she couldn’t help but believe this was one of his tactics to make her fall in love with him.
She tried so hard to love him the way he did with her because he had kept his word in each of his promises. Like she had once told the King that she would. Exactly how she told herself that she could.
But Ron continued to hold that place in her soul. She tried so hard to shut him out, but all her efforts were never enough. Especially after what she saw that night.
Isaiah held out his hand for her. She hesitantly reached for it.
“Don’t keep her out too late,” Leilani called.
“I won’t. Do not stress for it,” Isaiah said.
Isaiah began to lead her down the same pathway where she had come from, his hand in hers.
He began to chat about the construction of the walls, the gossip about the new Leaders, and how more activation ceremonies were being set for the upcoming month. Her mind was stuck on the written words on the creased page in her satchel that she responded with simple words like, “Really? That’s great. I didn’t know. That’s wonderful.”
At some point, he released her hand and she was more than thankful for it.
As their boots met with the sand of Castellum’s shore, he told her, “From this point forward, I’m going to have to cover your eyes.”
“Why not?” he asked.
“Because… That’s weird,” Davina argued.
“It’s not weird. Just trust me.” Isaiah laughed.
“Fine.” She rolled her eyes.
Davina closed her eyes as she felt his clammy fingers. She felt like gagging, but she held onto her composure.
“Where are we going?” Davina asked.
“You know, I never knew you were this impatient. I don’t know what I’m going to do once we wed,” Isaiah joked.
Davina knew his eyes were on her, so she remained with her smile. Although her insides screamed and cried as she imagined having to bind herself for life to this man.