“I don’t doubt that you will, Isaiah.”
“I’ll see you then.” He smiled before quickly setting a kiss over her knuckles and then winking. Davina chuckled.
“I’ll see you then.” Davina beamed wide but she felt like she was struggling to be truly excited for the imminent announcement.
His hand over hers felt unfit and imperfect, the opposite of what she felt with Ron.
Tears welled up in her eyes as she stared off at Isaiah’s distancing figure. How she wished it was the youngest Levina who was looking back at her with his crooked grin and his soft dark hair dangling over his face.
Then, she headed into the amphitheater to find her spot next to the other Aurisan Soldiers. They were to be guarding the Aurisan section for the ceremony in case of attack or an ambush.
As Davina entered, she observed the round arena that ran high above her with hundreds of Bellatormans sitting at each bench while they chatted, creating a large echo into the auditorium.
Different shades of hair colors bobbed around the grand amphitheater. Four long and large flags hung against the white marble walls behind each section given to each island. Every flag represented the islands of Bellatorm with their individual stories embroidered into them.
Davina observed how the Aurisan and Mistran flags had been left with a large space near the hem. Incomplete. She wondered what else there could be to tell about the fire and air island.
Davina walked by the Mistral section, on her way to the Aurisan side but then she saw him sitting at the last step of his section, holding a small Mistran flag. She felt like her heart had stopped. For the first time in months, Ron was looking at her.
But then almost immediately he looked away and continued his conversation with the girl beside him. It was like it had never happened, as if she were a ghost. His face remained passive as she walked by him and arrived at her section. Valerie stood at the far end with her hands readied over her Soldatus sword.
Other Aurisans in orange uniforms stood beside her, with their usual Soldier poise. Davina imitated them, refusing to allow Ron to cause any type of reaction from her before everyone today. Silence pierced through her ears as she closed her eyes and focused on her breathing.
A horn blew into the theatre.
Her eyes opened, she welcomed the noisy ambiance filled with cheers for the newly instituted Soldiers. Cara and the others walked onto the center part of the amphitheater. A grin was set on all of their faces.
Cara scanned all four divided sections until her eyes landed on Davina. It seemed as if Cara had smiled even wider when she saw her. Then Cara mouthed, “Thank you.”
Davina slightly nodded. Inviting Cara to activate her powers was the least she could do for her after she lost her entire family. Thankfully, Cara agreed to enable her abilities and serve as a Soldier and Island Protector.
Cara returned her gaze to the crowd as the four Chief Leaders of Bellatorm walked onto the stage with Master Abigail right behind them.
Four other Apprentices were standing beside Cara, one from each island: Basalt, Auris, Neptulus, and Mistral. They each wore a brand new Soldatus uniform with their emblems in their Chief Leaders’ hands.
Only Chief Leader Stowne held two Soldatus emblems in his hands, one for Cara and one for the other Basalan Apprentice. Chief Leader Stowne’s brown shaggy hair bobbed as he awkwardly shifted from one foot to the other.
As much as she tried to focus on the service displaying ahead, she had a clear view of Ron from where she’d been standing. Davina’s shoulders tightened when she felt his glare on her. She glanced in his direction and was met with his hard stare; she gulped and returned her gaze to the commencing ceremony.
Master Abigail’s speech, the kneeling of Cara and the other Apprentices, the chants of the islanders, and the flashes of grins and Soldatus emblems passed by in a blur for Davina. Ron spent the entire ceremony flirting with the girl beside him and then glaring at Davina whenever she made eye contact with him. The feelings that she worked so hard to repress came tumbling out onto the surface of her mask as she watched him grinning and laughing with the brunette. Her brown hair flowed gracefully and contrasted well with her pale skin.
Davina almost didn’t notice the way Isaiah confidently strutted to the center of the dais. The others had left the stage, the cheers and chants lowered to a respectful silence as he raised a hand. Davina felt her palms grow clammy when he observed all the sections with a small gleam in his eyes.
“I am filled with joy to see new Soldiers being recruited to our King’s army. Especially in times like these where we are in the middle of warfare with a deadly enemy. Our King has chosen us, his children, to fight this war. King Magnar has finally ended the Era of Silence to begin a new and improved Present Century.
“He decided to come out of his silence the moment he decided to choose my beloved to lead Bellatorm’s army, the girl born of violet fire. She is the hope that we have all been waiting for. Davina, come forth.” Isaiah found her on the ground of positioned Soldiers, extending his hand for her.
Her cheeks grew hot, almost certain that they were now painted a rosy pink. Davina’s eyes quickly scanned the multitude of eyes that observed her. She scurried onto the stage toward Isaiah.
But Ron was present and she hadn’t thought about that before, he was usually absent in these types of events. He was watching this show with a front-row seat. At least he wouldn’t be finding out from other people, she thought to herself.
“I believe—I know that you are the hope we have waited centuries for. Me and Bellatorm believe in you,” Isaiah said as he softly rubbed his thumb over her knuckles. “Don’t we, Bellatorm?”
Numerous Neptulans, Basalans, Aurisans, and Mistrans stood and wildly agreed with Isaiah. Loud horns, bright lights, and deep hooting blasted into the amphitheater as Davina laughed.
Isaiah leaned in. His gaze flickered from her lips back to her eyes, his mouth barely moving as he asked, “May I?”
Davina knew that every eye in the room was staring at the pair, she had no choice but to smile and nod.