Cara, and a few other Apprentices, were to be given their badges that certified them as official Soldiers of Bellatorm.
Davina and Isaiah were to take advantage of the reunion of the people in Castellum’s amphitheater to publicly announce the beginning of their engagement. The Captain despised that she would be taking some of the attention away from her friend’s big day.
“Thank you for today. I know my visit today was rather unannounced, but I must get going if I want to get to the ceremony on time,” she replied shyly.
“No need to apologize, you know I take pleasure in you being here. I wish there were more of the others that would come by to see me like yourself.”
“Soon, Your Majesty. I’m going to do everything in my power to make them see how wrong they are about you.” Davina smiled before she bowed.
“I know you are. I see all your effort. Do not fear what is to come. I will be there with you.” The King’s eyes glinted as he stood from his seat.
Another one of his proverbs that Davina didn’t comprehend.
The King rose from his chair and strode to her. Out of respect, Davina always kept her distance from the King. But she saw nothing but love in his honey-brown eyes as he reached for her cheeks.
“I am so proud of you,” Magnar whispered with a soft smile on his lips. “Now go, I don’t want to make you miss your friend’s ceremony.”
How could he be proud of her? She was an Almenara.
Davina nodded, still confused over the King’s affectionate gesture, setting her Soldatus sword into its holster.
“I will see you soon, your Majesty.” Davina bowed again and rushed out of the throne room.
The latch of the entrance to the throne room creaked as she set it back into its place.
Davina skipped down the tiled steps and was welcomed by the hoarse voices of the elder Leaders who were walking nearby. They silenced immediately as they glimpsed her purple-shaded uniform. Her eyes remained glued to the patterned floor once she felt their scrutinizing looks when she passed by them.
Davina entered the grand foyer of Castellum and found Isaiah observing the islanders who passed through the grand and golden entrance of the castle.
Isaiah’s suit fit him perfectly. His garments had been mostly made of light gray textile with neatly set epaulets colored in chestnut brown. Four lines of cloth held buttons at their ends that matched the color of the dark chocolate sash that had been sewn from his left shoulder and wrapped around his torso. A bright silver belt, with his Mistran Chief Leader insignia embedded in the center, complemented his silver gloves and dark brown boots.
Davina nervously chuckled as she forced a smile onto her lips. “Hi.”
Isaiah’s hair ruffled when he set his eyes on her. She waited as he observed her uniform.
“You look angelic, Davina.” Isaiah gasped as he set his hand over his chest.
Davina had been wearing her Aurisan Soldatus uniform, which was designed specifically for her due to her divergent abilities.
Her uniform was made of thick dark violet textiles with gold epaulets attached to her shoulders. A lavender flame was weaved across her chest above a heather plum-skinned belt with her Aurisan insignia over the side of her chest. Her sleeves hung along with the skirt of her uniform.
Davina glanced toward the hallway, fearful for anyone to see them conversing, but everyone had passed through the amphitheater doors nearby.
“Thank you, Isaiah.”
He lifted his gloved finger and raised her chin, she looked through his glasses and into his brown eyes. Her lips parted as she noticed his grin.
“Everything will be okay, I assure you.”
Davina smiled as he softly let go of her chin. Had he offered this alliance for more than just to help her win the war?
His reasons for forming an alliance didn’t matter because she was also using his power to help herself. As much as she hated thinking this way, she needed him to win the war. With the people’s support, Davina would be able to convince Bellatorm to activate their powers and defeat Raven with their help.
“I was just told that I’m going to be helping with the ceremony, so I won’t be able to sit with you as we had planned. I have something else in mind. Is that okay?”
“Of course, whatever works.” Davina nodded. “But how will I know what to do?”
“You’ll know.” Isaiah grinned, his gloved hand stroked her arm. Davina could feel her skin begin to chill. “For the rest of my days, I will treat you well and I shall love you as I love myself. I promise you that. You don’t have to be afraid of me.”