That sounded like something Ron would say.
“You Mistran men always know what to say,” Davina said bitterly despite the small smile that appeared on her lips.
“What do you mean by that?” Pure confusion in his voice.
“Nothing,” she chuckled. Quickly, she wiped off the sorrow from her expression.
His eyes were tender as he awaited her answer. How could she ever reject his offer?
So she said, “I’ll do it.”
“Lani? Can I talk to you for a moment?”
Davina felt like she would throw up right then and there, she gulped harshly while she sat on their emerald davenport. Leilani’s light footsteps reverberated through the living room, there was a slight quirk in her brows while she approached the couch.
“What’s up, D?” Leilani asked, fixing her lime-colored skirt as she sat.
Prayers to Magnar were repeated continuously in her thoughts. Hopefully, the King gave Davina the right words to explain to Leilani of her engagement to Isaiah and about Sadoc being a Main Predator.
“Are you okay?” Leilani asked. “Is something wrong?”
Davina smiled. “No, no, nothing’s wrong.”
“Then why do you have that face?” Leilani questioned.
“I don’t have a face,” Davina said.
Leilani’s shoulder slumped. “What’s wrong?”
Davina sighed. Her fingers began to shake before she pulled them into a fist so Leilani wouldn’t see. “I got a marriage proposal.”
The Basalan Soldier’s eyes widened as she exclaimed, “What? Davina, this is amazing! From who?”
She grabbed Davina’s hands with excitement clear in her eyes.
“From Chief Leader Isaiah,” Davina explained.
Slight hesitation seemed to pass through Leilani’s eyes, her lips gaped as Davina watched her process the revelation.
“What’s wrong?” Davina asked.
“I thought it would be— never mind. Are you sure you want to start a new relationship so soon after the whole issue with Ron?” Leilani let go of Davina’s hands, setting them neatly above her green skirt.
Did Leilani think that Ron would propose? If only.
“Yeah, I’m sure. I feel nothing for Ron anyway,” Davina lied.
Leilani’s light brown eyes scanned Davina’s face intensely. Davina grimaced at her horrible lie, yet it seemed Leilani was not going to push more on the subject.
“Whatever you say, D. Just please be careful. I don’t want you to get your heart broken again,” Leilani said, brushing one of Davina’s strands off her face.
Davina breathed in deeply and nodded. The tenderness in Leilani’s eyes would certainly disappear in a few moments once she revealed what Sadoc had been planning against them.
“I think Isaiah is a good man. I’m sure you will make a happy couple.” Leilani smiled. “And I’ll be here to help you prepare for your wedding.”
Davina chuckled, forcefully.