Page 133 of Heiress of Fire

“You have twenty-four hours to decide whether you and your Island Protectors will fight me or you will surrender. Only you and your Protectors can oppose me, no one else. You are forbidden from involving those Castellum freaks or any other of my brothers and sisters. Should you choose to defy me, I will have no other choice but to hurt your darling little siblings. Mmm, perhaps your brother will be my first.” Raven strutted to Micah and held the sharp edge of her blade to his neck. Micah whimpered, frozen with fear. Davina had never seen him so scared.

Davina’s fire burned brighter. Her eyes flared with purple sparks as she scanned for any wounds that could’ve been inflicted upon her siblings. Emmy and Genevieve’s faces were reddened with puffy eyes, grime-covered their clothes and their skin.

“No need to get so hot, sis,” Raven chuckled. Raven removed the dagger away from Micah’s throat before stalking over to Genevieve and Emmy, brushing a hand over their distinct hair strands. They cried as Raven’s long fingers skimmed over their cheeks.

“Don’t you dare touch them,” Davina croaked. Raven lifted her hands away from the girls, amusement in her black eyes.

“No need to worry. I am a woman of my word,” Raven said then dramatically extended her arms to the bright sky.

Davina and the others watched as dark smoke left the witch’s palms. The dark mist spewed out and gracefully circled the oceans surrounding the islands.

The Island Protectors watched as the darkness took the form of an arch that surrounded the five islands completely. The round shield was wide and mighty, daylight turned into night. No ray of sunshine was able to glow through the darkness.

“There’s your timer. At every passing hour, it’ll get closer and closer and closer. Once it touches the islands… well, I’ll let you see that for yourself. The survival of your people depends entirely on you, Captain. I’ll be among the shadows, awaiting your response.”

Davina’s chest continued to heave as she glared through the lavender hue of her vision at Raven. If only she could send rays of fire through her eyes. Surely, she would be able to end her with just a look.

Raven gave a sharp laugh before snapping her fingers and becoming engulfed in a haze of ink, along with the Main Predators and her siblings. Davina took a few strides forward.

Micah, Genevieve, and Emmy screamed, their chests violently moving as they begged their eldest sister to come save them.

“Davina, help!” Emmy freed herself from her gag. Before the darkness completely covered them, a Predator came rushing for Emmy. The Predator tried to put the gag back into her mouth but Emmy was quick to bite the Predator’s hand.

“Leave me alone!” Emmy shrieked before they blended into the night.

“No,” Davina whispered, a hot tear escaping her flared eyes.

She closed her eyes and breathed in deeply. She had to calm down. The rage would not grow, it would not take control of her, and she would calm down. Davina shook her head, feeling hot, burning, boiling fury trickle into her chest.

“Davina?” Leilani asked.

“D, you good?” Caleb questioned.


“Davina, are you okay?” Valerie voiced.

“Davina, you’re scaring us,” Cara said.

Davina spun in place and marched onto the Castellum staircase, her boots leaving charred footsteps over the steps. The islanders, Soldiers, Apprentices, and Leaders pushed themselves aside as her blazing figure passed by them.

“Davina!” Leilani yelled for her.

But her flames continued to crackle.

“What?” Davina snapped, marching forward.

“Vivi, where are you going?” Ron asked.

“To get justice,” she muttered.

“Davina, stop!” Valerie called for her.

“No! This is all his fault.” Davina stomped into the castle corridors, the Island Protectors close on her trail. Boiling anger bubbled in her heart as she began to near his door.

“Davina, please, stop to think this through,” Cara begged.

“Please, Davina, stop this,” Beacon said.