Page 115 of Heiress of Fire

The Levina parents had approached her, Selene complimented her hair and gown while Julian made corny jokes which Davina found herself forced to chuckle to so as not to seem impolite.

Davina’s uneasiness had grown worse as the day of their wedding approached, swearing Leilani into secrecy about Raven’s ultimatum, not wanting to cause a commotion for the couple. They deserved to have a perfect wedding day.

Leilani was no longer cold with her because of the argument they had about Sadoc but Davina was still on edge about him. She prayed that he obeyed her command or she wouldn’t know how to stop herself from finishing him off in her next rageful spiral.

Nonetheless, Davina couldn’t seem to put a halt on the millions of questions that overpowered her mind about the Dark Mistress’s plans. Was Raven going to attack the islands during the wedding? Was she going to have a secret meeting with her Predators? How would Raven find out if she tried to sneak out? Could there possibly be a traitor among them?

No, none of her friends would be capable of that.

She wished she could find a way to figure out what Raven was planning.

Although she was able to conjure her healing ability to mend her wounded leg, Davina would never be able to enjoy a waltz around the hall if she were too worried that the Mistress would hurt someone she cared about. She had already been planning to stick to the windows and corners of the ballroom, guarding the partygoers and the newlywed couple.

All she could do was hope that the Leaders, Soldiers, and Apprentices who were on guard duty were capable enough to withstand Raven’s power if she were to attack. Davina prayed to Magnar, hoping that he would protect the warriors who were standing watch in their designated towers by the Bridges.

The wind ruffled her skirts as she floated above Mistral Island, her wings stretched wide behind her, shining bright in the night sky.

Her frantic mind caused her eyes to scan the island hundreds of times, Raven and her Predators were nowhere in sight. She gulped as she floated down toward the hall where the reception would be held, hiding her wings as her slippers touched the soil.

A pair of servants dressed in brown and yellow uniforms pulled the large doors wide open. She was immediately captivated by the grand foyer with lemony drapes covering the entrances to the party. Several servants pulled the curtains, allowing Davina to be introduced to the grand ballroom. Sparkling crystals drooped from the ceiling, shining into the eyes of anyone who looked up. Carvings ran deep into the crevices of the white ceiling, Mistral’s development since the beginning of creation had been embedded above, similar to the Mistran flag in Castellum’s amphitheater.

Davina pulled on her lilac gloves.

She rushed toward the caramel and buttermilk-silken tables. There was a piece of Valerie and Beacon in each cloth, each flower, and each ornament. It was beautiful to witness, being able to watch the way their love remained strong and steady after so many battles they had to fight as Island Protectors.

At least they were able to have their happily ever after.

Beacon and Val danced in the general space of the hall, Valerie’s long pearl dress and black hair flowed with each twirl she took. Beacon pulled her in as Val laughed against his lips, Davina smiled upon the scene.

Valerie radiated more than usual tonight.

Davina glimpsed Leilani and Cara, then sauntered over to them. They stood near the center of the dance floor, observing the newlyweds with a smile.

“I wonder which dressmaker made her gown. The woman did such wonderful work with Val’s. Having the contact could be of use in the next couple of months,” Leilani chirped.

“Did Sadoc propose at last?” Cara asked with delight.

“No, I was asking for Davina.”

Davina cringed before saying, “The next wedding in which we will be attending will surely not be mine.”

“Why do you say that, D?” Leilani asked.

“I thought everything was going so well with you and Isaiah,” Cara said.

Davina regretted having commented at all.

“He seems like such a great man. He’s been by your side since the very beginning, rescuing you on all those secret missions that you accidentally forgot to tell us about.” Leilani widened her eyes as she crossed her arms.

“Yeah, I can’t believe you didn’t tell us. What if something happened to you?” Cara crossed her arms as well.

Davina looked between them as she racked her brain for an answer until their eyes fixated on something behind her. Or someone.

“Oh, would you look at that. Caleb seems to have gotten chocolate ice cream all over his suit. I need to go clean up his mess,” Leilani stuttered before scurrying away briskly.

“Uh—I’ll go with you!” Cara followed Leilani.

“I think you look even more wondrous than the bride,” Isaiah whispered into her ear.