Page 109 of Heiress of Fire

“Today’s training will be different…”

Abigail’s words became a blur as Davina continued to replay the earlier moments in her head countless times. She would only move when the others did. Only walking to the center of the stage mat when her name was called. He was here and he was watching her. Examining each expression, each step, and each glance of hers. How she wished she could kick that look off his face. He was enjoying her squirming against his stares too much and he wasn’t being discreet about it either.

Davina would not allow him to see the explosion of emotions going on inside of her.

Her face remained blank as she finalized her practice duel with Cara and Valerie with a leg swipe and a hard shove. Her eyes were emotionless as she tackled Snow, causing the white-haired Neptulan to surrender. Her ears went soundless as she killed Leilani’s vines with her fire and gave a blow to her stomach.

Davina snapped back into her present as she watched Ron beat Beacon in their duel. Had he already overpowered Caleb? Davina looked at Isaiah and Amir who both held their hands behind their backs. Amir seemed amused with Ron’s ability after having spent so much time out of the Protector training. Although Isaiah was making it too obvious that he was annoyed.

Davina looked back to Beacon and Ron who patted each other’s backs. The Levina brothers exchanged a few playful threats as they dusted themselves off.

“I’m glad you’re getting better,” Beacon said.

Before Ron could respond, Isaiah spoke, “I wouldn’t get too cocky. I would like to see how well you do against two Chief Leaders of Castellum. Two of the best warriors of Bellatorm.”

Davina froze. She slowly turned to Isaiah who was removing his cloak. Amir had the same confused look as she.

“What?” Davina asked.

“What’s happening?” Cara whispered as she leaned closer to Davina.

“A portrayal of the toxic masculinity that continues to live in our society,” Leilani answered, crossing her arms and shaking her head.

“That’s unfair, two against one?” Caleb protested.

Isaiah simply shrugged without a glint of humbleness in his demeanor.

“It’s fine, Caleb. I like a challenge.” Ron smirked before he glanced at Davina.

“Since when have Isaiah and Amir been the best?” Caleb whispered to Leilani, but she only shrugged.

Through the corner of her eye, Davina could see Amir and Isaiah bickering for a small moment. Would Master Abigail do nothing about Isaiah’s challenge?

As Davina looked between Isaiah, Amir, and Master Abigail, Ron never looked away from her. She could feel his stare piercing a hole of misery in her chest. Master Abigail seemed almost pleased with Ron and with Isaiah’s proposition of an unfair duel.

Amir removed his cloak, handing it to Master Abigail, and followed Isaiah onto the mat.

Isaiah asked Master Abigail to retrieve bladeless staffs for them to use for this practice duel. Davina’s heart raced as Ron held a bored look, catching the bow staff that Master Abigail tossed to him.

“Seems like this duel is going to be personal,” Snow muttered.

Valerie and Beacon stood on both sides of Davina as Ron twirled the staff between his fingers.

“Tell me the truth, Beacon, why is he here?” Davina asked quietly.

“I spoke to him when we were on our way here. He says he wants to do this for himself. To prove to himself that he’s ready to join us to fight against Raven.”

“But what made him want to fight after resisting for so long?” Davina asked as she crossed her arms and watched the three men poise themselves for attack.

“Who knows,” Valerie replied. “I think what matters most is that he’s here.”

Way too briskly, Ron accomplished to smack Amir onto the floor.

Amir groaned, “This is why I didn’t want to get on this mat.”

Isaiah and Ron had their staffs locked over the stage. They met eyes, irritation clearly shown in their stare. Isaiah’s nostrils flared when he kicked Ron’s baton onto the floor, Isaiah pulled his staff back to be able to land a hit on Ron’s face. Ron ducked, half-turned, grabbed onto the wooden stick, pulling it above himself, and just like that, Isaiah was on his back.

Ron used Isaiah’s staff to press harshly against the Chief Leader’s chest.