Ron could only imagine what she was planning.
“I know how much my sister has hurt you. And I know how painful it can be to be neglected by the people that you love most. It does cause a certain bitterness in your soul when you find out that the people you esteemed so much… didn’t believe in you.”
She paced slowly across the room.
Ron gulped. “What do you want me to do?”
“Join me and my Main Predators. But you’d be more of an undercover Main Predator.”
“What?” he asked.
Raven’s black eyes scanned him.
“You would be assigned to gather all the information you can get from my sister. What are her plans, her intentions, and her strategies? I fear that the contacts that I have aren’t doing their job quite as I had expected,” Raven said. “But I believe you’ll be the perfect asset.”
Ron remained silent. Contacts? Could there be a traitor among the Island Protectors? No. He knew them too well. None of them would be capable of such treason.
“I know it may seem very sudden. I’ll give you a few more days to think about it.”
He couldn’t remain in the dark room any longer. The urgent need to find that traitor and protect Davina took over the logical part of his brain.
Ron didn’t think twice when he said, “I’ll do it.”
Amusement was clear in her voidful gaze. She cackled. “With the look in your eyes, I thought you would say no.”
The hairs on his arms stood as a shiver ran down his spine. May Magnar help him become the best actor in Bellatorm so he can pull off his scheme.
Raven stepped closer to him, examining his face. “It seems like my Predators weren’t too nice to you when they brought you here. You’re bruised.”
Ron clenched his jaw as Raven’s long fingers reached for his cheek, her nails caressing the right side of his face. “A pretty face like yours shouldn’t be bruised.”
He shivered against her touch.
“Come on, let’s get you home.”
“This is the best birthday present you could ever give me!” Davina squealed, jumping into Valerie and Beacon’s arms. “Although the news is a few weeks late.”
They both laughed with Davina. She clutched onto the white invitation with beautiful gold foiling shining against the sunlight.
“Davina, you’re choking us.” Beacon patted her arm.
“Sorry, sorry. I’m just so happy for you guys.” Davina let go of them with watery eyes.
“Don’t cry on us now,” Beacon sighed.
Davina rolled her eyes.
Valerie answered, “Beacon don’t be rude. Don’t worry, Davina, I’ll cry with you.”
“If anything, it’ll be Beacon crying on the altar that day,” Davina snickered as she pointed at him.
Beacon shook his head. Davina examined the gold letters that titled the date of the ceremony.
“I have three weeks to find a nice dress for your wedding?” Davina asked.
The couple nodded. To others, their wedding may seem rushed, but Davina knew how much they had waited for this.