The King beamed at the others as they neared them. Davina let go of Magnar, Ron stood beside her and rubbed her back as the King and him looked at one another.
She wondered what silent conversation was going on between them.
“The greatest battle of our world is about to occur, and I wanted to give you all a few parting gifts. There will be few, but necessary adjustments to your armor,” King Magnar informed. “The battle will not be easy. It will be hard, it will be difficult. You will have to make sacrifices but do not worry because I will multiply everything that you lose, And when in battle, I want you to remember… strong like death is love.”
Davina didn’t understand. Most of the time she didn’t, but this time she was going to trust that this metaphor was going to help her at some point.
Davina almost bounced on her feet as she realized that a war was coming. And she was going to win.
“What’s the plan?” Beacon asked as he paced across the patio of the fortress.
Davina sat on the steps, elbows over her knees as she stared at the swirls carved into the stones of the staircase. For months, Raven was aware of every single one of their strategies and plans. All because of Isaiah’s spying. Davina shook her head and sighed while she kicked herself mentally for how she allowed him to be so close to her and to the Island Protectors.
She had refused to see the truth. Since the very beginning, she had seen the way Isaiah was demanding and prideful but she hadn’t given it much consideration before. She had decided to trust too easily.
Now, the situation was reversed. It didn’t work out with Isaiah and there was a small chance it could work with Ron. If she survived after that day.
The Protectors didn’t know what to do and they needed their Captain now more than ever. The well-being of her siblings and the survival of the islands depended on her next decisions. She had to stop being so hot-headed. She had to pull herself together. She had to think of a plan.
“I don’t know what we should do after this, but I can say one thing,” Davina began, standing on the steps. The others turned to face her. Davina examined their demeanor, they were desperately searching for answers, and she wished she could clear out each of their frustrations. “That we only have each other now.”
Standing in a circle, they watched her ponder for her next few words. Right now, no matter the war in her mind, she had to be their Captain, the leader that the King believed that she could be.
Davina stepped off the staircase and walked onto the flat surface of the courtyard.
“We were betrayed by someone we never imagined would do so. But I believe in every one of you. I believe you’re one of mine. And because of that, I know that if we stick together, we can get this done. Now more than ever. I don’t need an alliance with an important Leader or with anyone else. I need my friends.” Davina found Cara’s hand and squeezed it. “I’m sorry that I haven’t been the friend that you needed me to be. I haven’t been completely present the way I should’ve been. I’ve been driven by my rage so easily that I was lost in the fire of my troubles, but I’m here now and I’m willing to do whatever it takes to win this war. For Bellatorm and for our people.”
Davina’s eyes skimmed across each of them. Their expressions were blank as they searched for hope. Right now, Davina wanted to be that hope for them.
A tiny part inside of Davina’s mind called her to bring forth her purple fire. So, she did.
She could feel their confusion marking their faces as they watched her raise her enflamed hand. A ball of her fire slowly began to float out of her hand. “Let’s make an alliance. A true alliance. Whatever happens the day after tomorrow, we shall take care of one another and our families. We’ll be eternally bound to each other. Until the end of time.”
Davina patiently waited for their response. What if they felt betrayed by her past behavior? What if they deemed her unfit to be their Captain? Or their friend?
“I agree.” Valerie broke the silence. Val then raised her hand and released a bright ray of sunshine from her hand, irradiating the darkness above.
Cara brought forth her hand and let her energy reveal itself in the form of pink waves that danced while she twirled her fingers. Ron lifted his hand and his blue lightning hummed and buzzed in a large ball, illuminating his face. Davina smiled at him.
Caleb, Beacon, and Snow raised their hands in unison. Caleb’s vines grew from his hands and into the mess of bright light mixing with one another. Beacon let his air currents become a small tornado above his palm while Snow’s crystals flew into the ripples of the combined power of each Island Protector.
The Island Protectors lowered their hands as a piece of their abilities floated in communion. Davina gazed with awe to find their abilities capable of coexisting with one another, a reminder of how much they were alike when they were also different from each other at the same time.
She realized that, at last, she found her place. She belonged with the Island Protectors.
But there was one Island Protector that was missing, and she perceived it too late as the combination of their powers rose into the dark sky and faded away slowly.
“Where’s Leilani?” Davina asked.
“Right here.” Her small voice was barely audible.
Davina was about to start questioning her whereabouts when she saw a slouched figure in the waters, past the unfinished stone walls.
“Amir?” she asked.
His legs had been wrapped in dark blue water.