Page 130 of Heiress of Fire

“I was locked up for three days with only one loaf of bread and barely enough water to keep me alive. I was completely alone in the dark. I remember the floors were dirty, there were no windows. For three days I didn’t know what was happening. I didn’t know if it was day or night. I was hoping that perhaps one of you would realize I was gone, and I’d hear the Predators rushing out of the dungeon worried because you guys had at last found me.”

“But we didn’t come…” Beacon said, lost in thought.

“When I was locked up in that cell, all I could think about was you, Vivi. And how you needed to be protected. On the third night, before Raven herself came to me, I begged the King to listen to me for once. I had already manifested lightning abilities the moment I got my armor. But they still wouldn’t come forth at my will. I threatened the King and said I would become a Predator if he didn’t reply, that it would be my last prayer for help. That I would turn and never look back.”

Everyone remained silent.

“And he answered me. He listened to me.” Ron couldn’t help but smile at the thought of the exhilarating rush of his lightning appearing.

But he could see how Davina was still shaking.

“She thought that I truly hated you, Davina. She wanted to use it for her own advantage, trying to manipulate me into accepting bounty in return for your life. I accepted. I kept the act up. I promised her several times that I would keep her updated in case there were ever any chances for her to isolate you from the group. And thank Magnar, she believed me. She let me go but while I was on my way out, I heard some of the Main Predators laughing at the fact that a Chief Leader was planning something against the Captain during the wedding. That’s when I thought about stealing you away from him and I asked you to meet me by the lake. That’s why, when we were at the lake, I told you to be careful.

“I would never do that to you. I would never do anything that would make you lose your trust in me because that trust means everything to me. I will do whatever it takes to protect you. Even if it costs me my own life for lying to an ancient shadow witch. As long as I protect you, then I will die a happy man for having fulfilled my duty as a Protector.”

Fear spiked into his blood as he watched her remain still. He was waiting for her to reply. He didn’t know what to expect, but the reaction he got from her wasn’t one he wished to see.

Ron watched as the realization of her actions washed through her. There was a deep panic in her eyes as she looked at the red blood staining her fingers and knuckles.

“I…” she began. “I’m sorry you all had to see that. I don’t know what came over me.”

“D, it’s okay,” Val asserted softly, taking a few steps toward Davina. But she only shook her head and stepped away from Valerie.

Davina’s voice lingered in the back of his mind as he watched her rush into the castle hallways.


Two days had passed since Isaiah was thrown into the dungeon.

The tension in Bellatorm hadn’t calmed. There were countless questions from the people of the islands for the Castellum warriors.

How could a Chief Leader ever betray Bellatorm in such a way?

People demanded to speak to Davina, to Master Abigail, to the Chief Leaders, Leaders, Soldiers, and Apprentices. Anyone who served the King. To anyone who could have answers.

But she couldn’t speak to them, not at that moment. The other Island Protectors, Soldiers, Leaders, and Apprentices held the mob back for the past two days. After the sun would set, they grew tired and would head back home.

Ron approached her when she was heading home, she appreciated his efforts in trying to cheer her up, especially after the way she tortured Isaiah in front of Bellatorm and for her reaction to his supposed betrayal. If anything, he proved his loyalty even more after everything he had done.

“Are you going to be okay? I can stay longer if you’d like,” he suggested.

“Yes, I’ll be fine. No need to worry for me.” Davina grazed a hand over his arm, a form of reassurance. A certain dread rested over her chest as she let him go. Her heart screamed and begged for him to stay, yet she remained silent.

But she couldn’t afford to be near him at the moment because of what she’d done. They still hadn’t spoken about the horror that she had done to Isaiah and him.

She had no idea that she’d been capable of hurting someone in such a violent manner, although Isaiah deserved it. But her anger had gotten out of control again. Those moments were always the worst.

This anger was bitter, strong, and scary. She recalled the way Master Abigail had said that her anger would be of use one day. How could this powerful fury she felt in her chest ever be of use?

He saw her hesitation. Ron reached for her chin and softly lifted it to be able to meet her gaze.

“What’s wrong?” he asked.

“Nothing, I’m fine.” She tried to lie.

“No, it’s not. Tell me what’s wrong.”

She stuttered, “I just feel bad because…”